BlahBlahBabble In the News

I Have an Itch…

A collection of random thoughts because I’ll forget to blog about it all later:

– I had a Chemistry quiz yesterday, and she had the answer key on the desk for us to view when we turned it in. I might have made a 99 because I keep getting my significant figures jacked up on my answers, and I put 2.77 instead of 2.8 or something crazy like that. Otherwise, I rocked it. Whoo hoo! I love Chemistry.

– The same can not be said for Biology. I was really dreading today’s test, and I walked out once again really unsure of my grade. It was 66 multiple choice questions plus two essay questions. I am really starting to hate multiple choice questions. I did ok on the material from Chapter 12, the Cell Cycle, and I lucked out as that was an essay option. I wrote a page worth of stuff on it. The Cell Cycle is the beginning of our work on DNA and genetics and so forth, and I am looking forward to the upcoming material.

– Speaking of writing, in the never ending drama of my hand pain, not only do I have Carpal Tunnel, I also have De Quervain’s Disease in my right thumb. Irritated by all the writing I am doing this semester. (You know, the pushing a pen on paper type of writing.) The fun never ends. I’ll share more about the latest hand saga later because there is so much more to say. I think I may have this disease, but I´m not sure, I was reading this reportshealthcare article and it may be serious.

– Of course, since my hand is in a splint and my knitting is very limited, I *really* want to knit right now. BAD. I know what I want to knit. I want to get my hands on the yarn right at this very second. GAH! But I can’t. Because my damn thumb is numb most of the time, and knitting isn’t a good thing.

– I will take my knitting with me while I go visit Kymberlie. Her Dad is out of surgery, the cancer seems to have been contained within his kidney, and the prognosis is good. He was in recovery when we talked earlier.

– Speaking of knitting, I’m gathering my thoughts on a series of “How to get started” posts. Tips and tricks and all sorts of goodies!

In the News

Nice Hat…

Why did Ashton Kutcher wear what appears to be a pimp hat for their wedding? It is just horrible!

On a separate note, I still cringe every time I see a photo of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. Ewww.

In the News

Nuns Gone Wild!

Nuns suspended for going on wild Club 18-30 holiday – it seems that 12 nuns from the U.S. (supposedly) went on a trip and had sex with 43 men in 2 weeks. Because they wanted to experience sin.

Now if 12 nuns each had sex with one man, that is one thing. But 43 men in 2 weeks? That is way beyond sin. Really way beyond sin. Just add water and get an insta-slut!

[via Ben]

WARNING: This news article may or may not be true. It may just be a satire newspaper in the same vein as The Onion. I have linked to a story that made me laugh. I took it as a joke, almost like that one about the Priest, the Rabbi and the Minister that walked into a bar. It was not my intention to insult Catholics in any way, and I do not feel that nuns are sluts. (I am especially not saying that “all nuns are sluts,” because that would be a very broad statement that is simply not logical.) I linked to it only because it made me giggle. My link is no indication of my sentiments about the Catholic faith. I am, under no circumstances, Catholic bashing.

(What a said day it is when I have to post a “disclaimer” like this on my own site. This is also the first time I have been forced to close comments on a post, and any future comments about this topic will be deleted.)

In the News

It’s Our Turn for Ivan…

Hurricane Ivan has been downgraded to a Tropical Depression, but it’s out in the Gulf of Mexico again and is gaining speed – it will probably be upgraded to a Tropical Storm by the time it hits the Texas coast. It’s expected to hit Galveston Island by tomorrow night.

I had a feeling before that Ivan would be heading our way – we didn’t get the brunt of the storm, but with the other front lingering over us I’m afraid we’ll have a repeat of what happened a few years ago from Tropical Storm Allison. After you are hit with 20 inches of rain in 24 hours, you have a healthy respect (or rather fear) of rain coming down again.

In the News

Don’t DeLay!

Since I made my love of Tom DeLay known yesterday (*cough, cough*), I think I should take a moment to point people to Texas Tuesdays and the informative posts about Richard Morrison, the man who is challenging House Majority Leader Tom DeLay and giving him a run for his money. You can read more about him here:

Richard Morrison: Once more with feeling
Richard Morrison Interview

Thanks to Charles for sharing this information!