Meme Me

Just what is a Meme, Anyways?

Who would have thought that Scientific America would have written an article about memes? And just what is a meme, you ask? (It’s ok, lots of people use the word without having any idea what it really is.) “Memes are stories, songs, habits, skills, inventions and ways of doing things that we copy from person to person by imitation. Human nature can be explained by evolutionary theory, but only when we consider evolving memes as well as genes.” So even something like “Ring around the Rosy…” started out as a meme. “The most obvious examples of this phenomenon are “viral” memes. Chain letters (both hard-copy and e-mail) consist of little bits of written information, including a “copy-me” instruction backed up with threats (if you break the chain you will suffer bad luck) or promises (you’ll receive money and you can help your friends). It does not matter that the threats and promises are empty and your effort in copying the letters is wasted. These memes have an internal structure that ensures their own propagation.” Of course not everything with this viral structure will succeed. And guess what? They even have a name now for the study of memes. Memetics! [via UK Memes Central]

Oh, and the word meme? It’s not pronounced “me-me” like the word “me” said two times in a row. It’s pronounced like cream or dream. So now meme me!

Meme Me

This or That…

Time for Ashley’s This or That!

Picnic on the beach or picnic in a park? Both are good in the romantic sense, but in the park means less sand in your food! And not as windy as the beach is around here.
Atlantic ocean or Pacific? I’ve never been to the Pacific ocean at all. My only experience with the US coast of the Atlantic is Myrtle Beach. I love New England though, so I’ll say Atlantic, somewhere along the coast of the French Riviera! (It’s soooo beautiful in Cannes…)
Museum or the ballet? I love museums. Like Ashley, I am a museum addict. I read every single sign at an exhibit; I’m an information junkie. I would love to go back to the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago, I haven’t been there since I was a teenager but it’s still my #1 museum of all I’ve visited.
Lots of pillows on the bed, or just a few? Just two. One for me, one for the cat to curl up against. The decorative ones end up on the floor.
Home body or not? I have become more of a home body then I would like to be, but most of the time I don’t mind.
Introverted or extroverted? Extroverted on the line of being almost introverted. Depends on my mood. (Note: Libra who can flip modes on a dime.) I am an ENFP, but almost was an INFP.
Sunrise or sunset? You mean the sun rises? Get out. Ok, I see more sunsets then I see sunrises, but I actually find sunrises more breathtaking.
Do you prefer ceiling fans or light fixtures? Ceiling fans dry my eyes out really bad, make my allergies flare up thanks to the dust they swirl around, and just generally bug me because of the noise. I prefer light fixtures.
Lions or tigers or bears? Bears. I love teddy bears.
The Beatles or The Monkees? I have always loved the Beatles, but like Ashley again, my secret will be revealed. Sometimes I like the Monkees more. And we used to pretend that we hung out with the Monkees. We couldn’t pretend that we dated them because we all wanted to date Davey. When we pretended that we dated the Bee Gees it all worked out – 3 of us (Amy, Renee and me), 3 of them, so it was easy. Lately I have been craving some Beatles tunes though, so I can honestly say it’s pretty close.

Meme Me

Number 25…

After careful research, Overstated has ranked me as #25 in the top meme producers. I have no more words to express myself at this moment. Can you believe it? I’m speechless.

Meme Me

This or That…

Taking a minute for Ashley’s Tuesday This or That?

Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi
McDonald’s or Kentucky Fried Chicken? KFC (love them taters! no gravy, please.)
Pizza or subs? Pizza! Pizza Hut stuffed crust, meat lovers minus the sausage. Papa John’s will do instead of Pizza Hut sometimes.
Nintendo or PlayStation? Blogs. (But we own a Playstation.)
One credit card or more? Oh, they laugh at me when I try to apply for credit cards. That would be zero, thank you. Hand me my bank card with the Visa logo. No debt for me! You could click here to know more about debt settlement.
Photos of people or photos of nature? Photos of everything!
In the car, do you listen to the radio or CDs/tapes? CDs or … sometimes it’s just my quiet time with no noise at all.
Would you rather see a dentist or a doctor? Dentist. I love my Dentist, and his staff is great too!
Did you watch the Super Bowl or not? Not
American or non-American made car? Foreign! Never had good experience with American cars. Except the Camaro … vvvrrm, vvvrrm!

Meme Me

Must Remember to Do It…

I just don’t have it in me right now to do PromoGuy’s Monday Mission 2.5. I do have thoughts I want to share on it, so it will just have to be my Tuesday or Wednesday mission this week!