Meme Me

Such a Fool…

I’m going to be a Fool … are you? Quick! Go sign up now!

Meme Me

My New Name…

Thanks to Gretchen, I have a new name: Loopy Girdle-Brain. Hmmm. I’m just not sure about that one! Actually, the name is thanks to Gretchen posting the alphabet from a children’s book, “Captain Underpants and the Perilous Plot of Professor Poopypants”, by Dave Pilkey: “The evil Professor forces everyone to assume new names…” Thanks, but I think I would prefer it if everyone just called me Christine, although Loopy does fit some days.

Meme Me

The Man, Bringin’ Us Down…

You’ve seen Odd Todd, right? Yes, everyone’s favorite unemployed Todd. Until now. In The Man’s attempt to bring him down, the State Department of Labor busted him. Yes, they did. (NYTimes, requires free registration) Seems they felt he was a bit too busy to be considered unemployed. Can you believe it? Mainly because he has had donations. Lots of donations. $9000 in donations. And the Man, he just doesn’t like that. Do we tax pan-handlers begging on a street corner? No. Do we penalize them for being successful at getting donations? No. But he did it in the virtual world, on the Internet, and this … they have an issue with. He used his talents for a good purpose. How is that different from the guy on the street corner with the sign & cup? Huh? Anyone? [via Lightning Field]

Meme Me

Friday Five. It’s Not Friday. Whatever…

Time for the Friday Five! Yeah, it’s not Friday. I have a tendency to do these day-related meme things whenever I feel like getting around to it… On an interesting side note, I was #500 to post on Heather’s site that mine were up. Pretty freakin’ cool.

Hey, baby, what’s your sign? Do you think it fits you pretty well? Libra, 100% through and through. Know those times I seem indecisive? I’m just balancing the scales. Know how I seem to babble through life some days? It’s how I work things out in my head. Always seeking harmony and trying to keep the peace. Too damn logical but emotional. Super analytical. Have a tendency to “see the other side”, like when Chelsey rants about her son’s dad & I say “well, you know…” (When I actually agree with her without defending the other side she faints from the shock.) Yes, I would say I’m pretty much 100% Libra.

What’s the worst birthday gift you’ve ever received? Hmmm. I’m normally pretty easy going and love my gifts. I can’t think of any that fall into the “worst” category. So let’s go for strangest: for my 16th birthday my best friend Jenna gave me a bag of Chips Ahoy cookies because she knew I liked chocolate chip cookies; a black banana because it made her think of me (I hate bananas and that’s why she found it funny); a balloon she decorated herself; and a GQ magazine so I could drool over all the hot dreamy guys. (She gave me silly string with the power shooter and flavored body paints when I got married. She was known for the creative gifts and her zany style.)

What’s the best birthday gift you’ve ever received? The gift of life. 🙂

What’s the best way you’ve celebrated your birthday thus far? Any time spent with family & friends to celebrate your birthday is great! (lame, easy way out answer but it’s true!) From the childhood memories file, I think it was Kindergarten (when I turned 5) because I know we were in Champaign, Illinois, I remember having a Cookie Monster birthday cake. I loved Cookie Monster. And I got some cool Fisher Price little people toys that year. For some reason, trying to recall birthday memories made me think of that. Must be the innocence of that age… and just feeling really special because my parents had a cool party for me, a great cake, and my friends were all there.

What are your plans for this weekend? Clean. Clean some more. Go to the store to get some more cleaning supplies. Hang out with Jason (my son) and just chill. Add photos to the Pixelog. Work with Jason on his homework. Go to the museum.

Meme Me

Monday Mission 2.7

I know, Monday was yesterday. I was busy – so here it is, a day late – the Monday Mission!

1. What’s the one thing you hope your Mother never finds out about you?
Hmmm… I think she’s already found that stuff out. And if she hasn’t, can’t post it here – she might read it!

2. Hair can just out-of-the-blue start growing on the most unusual places on our bodies? What is the oddest place you’ve had hair begin to grow?
Ewwwww… nowhere. Yet.

3. What do you think happens to us after we die?
As in, do we go to Heaven or Hell in a spiritual sense? I believe we do. Our physical bodies are left behind to decompose.

4. Skydiving, mountain climbing, bungee jumping, these are all pretty extreme and exciting experiences? Have you ever risked your life for that type of a thrill?
Not just no, but HELL NO.

5. What (if any) illegal drug do you think should be legalized? Care to explain?
Hemp. I think we should be able to make clothes out of hemp, use hemp oil, and hemp fuel. Other then that I’ve never been a big fan of drugs. Not even as a teen – never tried them.

6. Have you ever felt like you were under attack from a “dark force?” What happened?
The former employer. Thankfully we were all laid off and set free to see the light of day again.

7. Before my Dad passed away, we were all able to give some thought to his funeral together. At his service we decided to play the “Love Theme from Somewhere in Time.” What music would you like played at your funeral?
Hmmmm… Oh! Just for Promo, how about “Someday I’ll Fly Away…” from Moulin Rouge?

BONUS:[slightly revised] There was blood and a single gun shot, but just who shot who?
Guns? Shooting? I don’t know, but I’m outta here!