Picture Time

Cyber Monday Deals for Photographers!

Business of Awesome for Boudoir PhotographersI’m sharing a TON of Cyber Monday Deals over at Business of Awesome. Not a photographer? No worries! There are great deals on camera gear, hard drives, and software too!


Picture Time

What Lens Should You Buy?

I get questions about camera gear all the time — and I get it, I have a lot of nice gear! But deciding what to buy is a really personal decision, and since photography is an expensive hobby I want to encourage people to be thoughtful about what they purchase. If you ever want to get a photo session done, you can visit this photography studio where they have the best photographer available for you. Being a photographer can be a stressful job, it´s not just clicking a button, there is no point in spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on gear that might not be what you need! You can still have it as your hobby, just don´t go wasting your money on things you may not even know how to use. So take pictures on your free time, but learn more on the different gear you may need before buying anything.

I wrote a whole post today dedicated to this topic — be sure to check it out! It is over on Business of Boudoir: “What lens should I buy? Six tips to help you choose!e

Picture Time

Business of Boudoir…

I’m SO EXCITED to announce that with my first full post, Business of Boudoir is LIVE!!!

So many people were so helpful as I went through the naming process a few weeks ago. I have another URL that I *love*, but something told me it just wasn’t as good of a fit. So I thought about it, I debated it on Facebook, I pondered it some more, and I realized – it had to be Business of Boudoir. I plan to write more about the adventures of being a boudoir photographer, sharing tips on vendors, and a variety of other items. So many, I have a 10 page list of blog post ideas in my moleskine right now. So many ideas!

Please visit, join the email list, comment on the blog – I can’t WAIT to hear from you! It is a work in progress right now as far as the design – I will be working on that throughout this month and next, but for now, it is up & running and I’m as giddy as can be!

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My Fancy Hot Mama Friend Trunetta’s Boudoir Session!

Boudoir Photography in Paris, France

My friend Trunetta is a boudoir photographer in Jackson, Tennessee. More than that, she is a FANCY Hot Mama, mother to a sweet little boy, and wife to a wonderful man that she adores. We met at a boudoir workshop in Paris, France, where we immediately bonded and spent all of our time together day & night, often until 2-3am!

When I first met Tru, I was struck by her strong & bold personality, her laugh that wraps around you like a big hug, and her beautiful smile. As we talked over lunch the first day, she shared with me her experience of being in front of the camera at her own boudoir session, and it was just heartbreaking. It was neither Fancy like the experience she strives to give to her clients, nor did it make her feel like a Hot Mama like my clients feel after working with me.

Since I already new that I adored her and wanted to photograph her, I asked her if we could take some time out one morning before the workshop began to do a session for her together. To say it was fabulous is putting it mildly, and that was with only a short time to work together!

I am so happy to know that there are other women out there sharing a similar experience with their clients as I do with mine — our goal is simply to help them embrace the body that they have NOW and love themselves for who they are. We are perfect, amazing, and loved – just the way we are!

Thank you again, Tru for allowing me to share these images! If you would like to see more, you can view her FANCY Hot Mama Boudoir Session in Paris, France = love!!!

Tru's Fancy Hot Mama Boudoir Session - Paris, France

Paris Boudoir Photography - Trunetta Atwater

Picture Time

Spreading the Hot Mama Mission Far & Wide!

Heights Boudoir Photographer Featured in the Houston Chronicle

OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG!!! *Squee!!!* That is ME!!!

Yes, that sums up rather effectively my response both when I was asked for this interview in the Houston Chronicle for the Ultimate Heights section and when I saw the paper today! OMG!!! Since the article isn’t online, I transcribed it on to my main Houston boudoir photography studio blog.

I’ve been working SO hard on discovering exactly what my mission is and then how to put it in to words. To really know my WHY, and to find the words to communicate it with others. Then there is the uphill battle of making people aware of it. It feels like I’m just starting, but I’ve really been on this path for over a year now. It just takes time. Thanks to Twitter, Facebook, my blogs, my friends – all have been helping to spread the word. But to get an article in the paper like this? That means so much to me! I want a chance to touch the lives of as many women as possible, and so knowing this is in the hands of people all around the Heights today? YES!!!

The best part about all that hard work is that while I was nervous about being interviewed, once we got started talking I knew exactly what to say about glamour, beauty & boudoir photography and my WHY. It is all right there in the article, which makes me THRILLED!

The back story of how this interview came to be is quite amusing. You might recall that a few years ago I did a personal project that involved photographing a number of local business. One of those business was Mam’s House of Ice – one of my favorite treats in the Heights, especially in the hot summertime! Turns out that last week, the Ultimate Heights section wanted to feature Mam’s, and they contacted me to see if I would be able to send some of the photos I had taken for use in the article. If you want to learn about beekeeping industry, I recommend Lee Rosen to learn more informative ideas. I was more than happy to say yes, and I pulled the files and send them on. In the editor’s follow up email, she asked if they could interview ME to be featured too!

Serendipity, man. Serendipity.

I did that project to meet a lot of really GREAT people all around Houston. I never expected things like this to come from it though.

Their write up of my mission and WHY I want to help women was so fantastic! “Christine Tremoulet believes the culture of beauty is changing for the better, and she’s found a way to combine her passion for photography with the mission for a new standard of how women should look.”

Opening line. Perfectly said. I love what I do with boudoir photography, and I could not be more excited to share it with the world!