As Sheryl has declared, today is de-lurking day. Blurking is a bad thing, and sometimes we all need a reminder to come on out and play.
Plus I absolutely love the image. I couldn’t resist posting it.
By the way, it’s ok if you de-lurk on Thursday or Friday, or even next week… I won’t mind!
33 replies on “Come On Out!”
Hi! 🙂
If I comment, will I get a cookie?
Well, it’s diet time here at our house, so the only cookies I have left are somewhat stale spritz cookies. Do you really want one of those? 😀
heheh, that image is a riot! 😀 Ok, how about a fat free cookie? 😉
Happy de-lurking day, Christine! 🙂
She made great images for this. 🙂
Testing … testing … (Sheryl couldn’t comment.)
blurk blurk (hi!)
Testing again. Hopefully the spam moderation will behave now!
i used that one too!
hello 🙂
i comment enough here often though don’t i? i’d announce de-lurker day on my own website, but i keep getting killed by evil spam comments.
So I’m posting after the day is over, but oh well. I don’t think I’ve ever commented on here, been reading for a while.
Well, I can just stay hidden then, can I? So here I am, sticking my head out. I promise to comment more often from now on! 🙂
Good morning! I’m coming out of hiding this morning since your post went up past my bedtime. Have a great day!
i’m a bit late – but lurking nonetheless.
Hiya! I sent you a “hello” email last week sometime but I’m sure you’ve been busy. Do I now count as being de-lurked enough . . or is there a quota you have to reach before it’s official? 😉
I love that image!
I’m not sure how this happened, but I accidentally de-blogrolled ya. You’re back in my feed list again. Seriously, how could I do such a thing as to delete my web-hosting godess’ feed? 😉
happy belated delurking day!
I love that image so much, I’m considering keeping it in my sidebar. Do you think it would annoy too many people? Bad idea? But come on … she’s FUNNY!
I’ve commented a few times – not every time I read. Usually there are already 30 comments and someone else (or multiple people) have already said what it was that I had to say.
Then I sit there questioning my originality, without anything else to add to the cause.
*ahem* Hello! Delurking here!
Eeek, I’m a wee bit late but I’ll sneak in a late comment for de-lurking day anyway. What a neat idea, pity I missed it! 🙂
As the Mad Hatter might’ve said: Happy Undelurking day! (Wished I were in Apia, so I’d’ve missed it by only 15 hours!)
*blush* hellooooo..
I’ve commented extensively on numerous subjects and not once did you reply. I am getting a bit sick and tired of your complaints and lack of reply. I won’t comment further until you comment back and I’m going to go on a hunger strike until 10:00 AM. Wait, maybe I’m thinking of another site. Nevermind.
Better late than never
Hey…Hi….over here in the back….guess I’m late, but at least I’m here!
Another de-lurking day? Heehee! I still lurk around here, even if I don’t comment as much.
For once I’m doing my blogroll’s roundoup and I guess I should do more than that, right? Thanks for reminding me that leaving comments is nice. For both . 😉