It still needs some work, and I may change it to be just one column instead of having a sidebar – to make it even more zen and simple and clean – but here is a taste of the new cookie skin! What do you think?
Coming Soon…
If you are one of the many people that have left comments in the past few days – I owe you an e-mail, and it’s coming soon. Promise! I spent most of the day working on Blogomania items and then spent the evening at my parent’s house – dinner and good chat time. It was great!
Now I have my first “real” interview since I was laid off on December 2nd tomorrow. I can’t believe it took me a month, but with the holidays it’s not surprising. I am also temping tomorrow & Friday, so I won’t be around during the day. If I leave a comment at your site during the day it means I am cell phone surfing again – I’m returning to the job location where I was last week, and there isn’t a lot to do there.
Boy, am I nervous about this interview! Eek!
14 replies on “Coming Soon…”
Good luck! Let me know when you get a day off so we can have lunch.
Gooooooooooooooood Luck!!!! Hope you get the job.
Good luck tomorrow!
You have no reason to be nervous. You’ll do great on the interview.
Good luck!
Be yourself and relax and if that job is meant to be yours, it will come! I hope the first one is the charm! 🙂
Knock ’em dead! 🙂
good luck! will definitely be thinking of you. 🙂
Get em girl!!!!
sending job mojo your way 🙂
Good luck with your interview!
Good luck with the job interview. Sending good vibes your way!!!
yeah – you were helping *me* with my doggone site!!!! thanks and good luck, too!
Best of luck on the interview, Christine! You will do great, I have the utmost confidence in you!
I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow. I’m sure the interviewers will see exactly how awesome you are!
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Coming Soon…
Coming soon to Blogomania – a wonderful support ticket system! Yeah!!! I’m so excited I just had to share. The always amazing Jennifer set it up last night, and as soon as Kristine & I finish kicking the tires and looking under the hood for problems we will let all the Blogomania clients know where to go to log in and use it! Sweet!
3 replies on “Coming Soon…”
You know … I’ve never had any problems using Blogomania … it’s so easy, but just goes to show what a great thing it is when a true computer idiot, like myself, doesn’t need support from a service provider.
Hooray! I love having a host who’s actually a real live person.
Incidentally, I just approved your feed at Syndic8. 🙂
grooby, baybee. 🙂
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Coming Soon…
I have a migraine and I’m tired of working on this proposal. Just thought I’d share that moment with you. Meanwhile, the purpose of this post is to say that if you’re one of the 8,000 people that I owe an e-mail to from earlier this week or maybe even last week (ok, not really – more like 10 or 12), my apologies but I promise I’ll write you back within the next two days.
There is a full moon right now. I had a strange dream last night, Kymberlie had a strange dream last night, Todd had a strange dream last night, one of my co-workers (Krista) had a strange dream last night. What’s up with that? Did anyone else have strange dreams? I don’t get it. Full moon and yet no new posts at Snarky Bitch. I have a migraine and I want entertainment. Hopefully someone will post something there soon – I can’t believe no one feels snarky anymore… I know *I* do!
9 replies on “Coming Soon…”
The full moon has been beautiful also. Sorry about your migraine. I’ve got a killer headache going on myself now also. I don’t think I drank enough water today.
Yes, count me in the bad dream category…. and my migraine is in such full force that 5 hours after taking the zomig, its still pounding. E says that I shouldn’t be up, and he’s probably right, but I’m reading the bestest blogs and then I’ll go back to sleep… Blech.
Sorry to have added to the 800000000 emails in your box 😉 I have another one with setting info for the new domain and a question for our support, but I’m not up to writing it now, so you are off the hook 🙂
I have strange dreams EVERY night but last night’s dreams were beyond bizarre.
How odd.
I promise not to send you any more email. Nope. Won’t.
When aren’t my dreams bizarre … I mean truly bizarre, a la “Jacob’s Ladder”? Not for me the “Oh, my brother wasn’t really my brother, he was Dermot Mulroney, who then turned into Matt Dillon, and we were all stranded on Mars …”. No. That’d be too normal.
Funny, but I thought everyone’s dreams were always strange. Not as strange as mine, but …
No, really! Sending me more e-mail is a-ok! I mainly just meant I might be a little slow on the response, but I *will* respond! I *LOVE* to get e-mail! Don’t stop!!!
I had a really strange dream last night too…I was thinking that this morning when I woke up. How strange! The thing is, I hardly ever…let me re-phrase…I never remember my dreams and I did…hmmm?
Yeah, I never remember my dreams and I remembered mine from last night – it was quite odd to say the least…
I dream every damn night, and wake thinking wth was that all about? Some really strange stuff going on up there. Hey, and if you want snarky, I just got a friend to sign up for a blog, she’s usually funny as hell, go take a look at:
Hope the migraine has gone, btw.
sry that u had a migraine they suck so bad i have a really bad headache right now and its only getting worse i took excedrin migraine
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Coming Soon…
Coming soon to a blog near you … DykeWrite! It’s not quite ready for prime time yet, but it’s where the lesbians or bi females of the weblog world will gather. Sorry to say though that I’m not one of them, although I will always love Crazy Tracy! Anyways, expect wonderful & witty banter there once things are all up & running!
5 replies on “Coming Soon…”
ooh! thanks for cluing me in on this one. I can’t wait to read it!!!
Woot! Thanks for the linky love, Christine. All us writing ladies with partial or full collections of comfortable shoes thank you kindly. 😉
Wow, am I late or what? Thank you!
*and a grope too*
This is one super duper site
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30 replies on “Coming Soon…”
Very good, I like the background especially.
Thanks! That was a Squidfingers background that I changed the color on a few weeks ago. I still need to make a graphic for the top – I’m not staying with the plain text up there.
Hehe, I was looking at those too to do something along those lines with a Book of Styles template, different one though. 🙂
It looks great! I like it.
My blog is in major need of a re-design and I’ve been playing with the idea of one of those layouts at Book of Styles. I like what you did!
I really love it. I can’t wait until it’s implimented! 🙂
Also – I’m not so sure about a graphic up top. It looks like you’ll be displaying the latest from the pixelog near the top of the page? Why not just move that further up top and maybe use CSS positioning to place the site name overtop of it in big letters? I think it will greatly detract from the photo if you put some sort of logo/image at the top.
bleah. Like the old one better. Sidebar makes for some interesting trips.
I like it a lot! The sidebar works actually so I think you should keep it.
Nice, I like it a lot. 🙂 That 18% grey is really popular these days. 😉
seems to work well. I prefer black text on white if you’re going to use small font sizes.
I really don’t like the dotted underline for hyperlinks. This would be one of those cases where Nielson would say “5 years ago I said blue hyperlinks were bad. Now they’re good because everybody knows them. Don’t innovate on the ‘everybody know it’ stuff.” I don’t always agree with him, but I see where he’s coming from…
not even a little tease of pink, Chrisine? 😉
The tease of pink will probably be in the graphic at the top. The links being underlined are the default from the skin – it’s still being tweaked. I sort of like the though for a change of pace. And Lester? Have no fear – this site is skinned. You can keep on using the default – this is just an option that want Pixelog all in the same place.
I just plain like it. It’s very clean, VERY VERY readable, and very stylish. I like the columns, I like the graphic, I like it all.
I love it! I’m a big fan of clean and simple and this just works on many levels. can’t wait to see the finished product!
I like it, but I think it would be cooler to have the Pixelog pic on the side so you get your blog first thing.
LOVE IT! I always love skinnable sites, especially when they throw in a nice read-my-blog-at-work skin. I’m so excited, because I usually have to scroll down quickly on your site to avoid the very readable from a distance “big pink cookie.”
It looks great!
looks really great cristine! i like the pixelog link in.
I love the book of styles layouts. They’re so good looking. I wish I could do stuff like that. ((Sigh))
PS — Great choice on the background and !please! keep the sidebar.
Welcome to the grey club! Once I get off my butt and skin my site, I’ll have to revisit another skin I was using from BoS before.
I love it madly. I love that your site is skinnable though, because then I can come back if I miss the white with pink cookies one. But I love it.
It’s GORGEOUS. I absolutely love it. Really calm and cool and v-e-r-y stylish.
Looks good so far.
It’s a nice skin (he says damning with faint praise) but my only problem is that it’s not what you “look like”. I don’t see you in the flesh so the face I have become used to is the white page with pink. It will take me a while to get used to your makeover.
Um, well, ok. But I don’t like the skins, either. Seems to me that if you are going as far as to put something up for me to see, then I should see what you want it to be. I guess the skins are all things that you’ve designed, but it muddles up the vision of your art.
I feel that the bpc should be just like the orginal cookies found in Starbucks (or so I have been told)–taken for their initial value. I can’t go into Starbucks and order a big pink cookie, and then have them change it into a big green cookie, can I? I appreciate you trying to meet my preferences, but you don’t need to mollycoddle me to appreciate your art.
But the skins are a good indication of who I am too – one day, I’m in the mood for the grey zen skin. The next, the white skin. Most of the skins are variants of one another, designed to fit my mood but also to help people out if they couldn’t see the text on one background or something like that. The default skin has been the site design since the site launched as “Big Pink Cookie” last summer. The grey version that is almost identical to it was the site design before that. Some skins were created for me. Others were done to help me learn CSS. Just like I wouldn’t keep a painting in the closet, I skinned the site so I could share them. Just another self expression.
Not so much of a touche’ as rather there are two sides. Both have very valid points, and I go back and forth on both of them.
Did I mention that I’m a Libra? And we can be very indecisive? Just checking. 😉
so am I. And I make decisions for a living.
I guess it is your perogative to be fickle on the skins you use, and that it, in it’s own way, is representative of what you want the bpc to be. I only made my comments because you asked. It’s the content that brings me here, not the design, so I’ll still keep reading regardless of what the page looks like.