It seems that right now you can’t comment. The site seems to think that it should be sending you on to my old IP when you try. Ugh. Looking for a fix, but don’t see where the glitch is… if you need me, send me e-mail to me at this I’ll just be sitting here at the keyboard, ripping my hair out. Makes it easier on the stylist when I go there later today!
UPDATE: All clear! You can comment again – I just had to tweak a file in the subscribe to comments code that was pointing at my old IP address. Once I found it, it was a fast fix!
4 replies on “Comment Free Zone…”
Testing… Can anyone hear me?
i hope you didnt rip all your hair out. maybe it had something to do with that guy who made you post that link. maybe you didnt post it quick enough! yikes! 😉
Wheee! This is FUN!
Before you leave a comment, be sure to hit my site HERE so that you are using the IP address…
Hello! I figured it would be nice if I signed your guestbook. I just thought that I would visit your homepage and see what all you have been up to, well – it’s awesome!