Amuse Me

Comment Phobia…

Know what amuses me to know end? When I follow a link on a site to another site that takes me to another site, and by the time I hit the third site I start to think, “Wow! This person is pretty interesting!” I go to add them to my Blogroll, then look at theirs … and discover that they have my site listed under their daily reads – and yet they have never left a comment here!

Dear comment-phobic readers, want to know a secret? When I settle in to read blogs, the first blogs I read are actually the ones that have left comments behind. That is often how I first found my very favorite reads. Even if it’s a little comment, like “that’s funny!” or “I agree with you!” you can say it. Man, disagree with me even, I don’t mind – I love hearing other people’s points of view!

So … leave your mark. Don’t be shy. I promise, it’s painless.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

28 replies on “Comment Phobia…”

Christine, when I go blog site hopping into new blog territory, I find the one consistant favorite daily read everywhere is you. Not everyone uses blogrolling to list their favorites. bigpinkcookie has been linked to 124 times as of 7:14am 8/31/2002 in search blogrolls.

That’s funny! I agree with you! *cough* Uhhh yeah 😉 (I always feel odd feeling short comments like the above, but I don’t have any problem being my opinionated, rambling little self most of the time 🙂

Christine says… Know what amuses me to know end? When I follow a link on a site to another site that takes me to another site, and by the time I hit the third site I start to think, “Wow! This person is pretty interesting!” I go to add them

Caught in the act
This weekend, when making my rounds, there were 3 sites that said “hey you, stop visiting and never commenting!” (not those exact words, mind you).First was Christine of Big Pink Cookie. I left her a hello.Next was… I forget. :(…

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