Turn right? Turn left? Oh my, which way to go?!? Well, it seems that smart human sperm have memory. We’ve all known that some men think with other things then their brain – but was it really the smart sperm doing the thinking for them? [via Metafilter]
Every sperm is sacred … Every sperm is great … oh my, I can’t stop singing that song now!
5 replies on “Come on Guys – This Way!”
Great – now I’ve got that song in my head too! 😉 LOL! Love Monty Python!
That is too funny and ewwwwy at the same time! And that song..LOL..hahaha..could you imagine someone just breaking out in song with that one? ; )
I just KNEW those spermy-guys were smarter than they were letting on!!!
See and all this time I thought I was living with the dumbest man on earth. Well most of him I still consider to be dumb!
Hehe, was it just me or did anyone else picture Homer Simpson doing an impression of a wiggling sperm? But seriously (ha! as if) what is that scientist’s official job title? Sperm engineer? Semen observation technician? 🙂