I first spotted it over at Anil’s site, and then I noticed it at Mike’s. After his comment to my Ch-ch-changes post, I decided it was time to add one too … Cookie Crumbs has now been launched in the sidebar on the default skin.
I’ve had a blog for a long time that I leave in “draft” mode where I link things I want to go back to for whatever reason. They are normally not things worthy of a full posts here, nothing more than a link and a few words to remind me what it is.
I’ll be adding in categories over time so that things will be easier to find in the future. Enjoy!
2 replies on “Cookie Crumbs…”
I like that idea. I often think about this. I have long rambling post, that are more like essays, and I have medium sized ones, and sometime I only have one sentence to say. And sometimes it seems like they just don’t fit together.
Great idea.
Just an FYI – the Klip I have for you is forever is update mode, but never actually alerts me to when a new post is made. Must have something to do with all the changes you’ve made.