
Could You Hear my Screams?

Good news! Good news! I first started working with a huge potential client back in December, and we survived the first round of the RFP, where they gathered basic initial data. Then we finally received a second RFP and the news that they had narrowed it down to two companies, us and another firm. Shortly after my return from SXSW I wrote their huge proposal and we sent my boss off to visit their headquarters in Tuscon. Today we got the news … the very big news …


Yes, I did jumps like a cheerleader and high-fived at least six people. I am SO excited!!! WHOO HOO! *Ah* There is nothing quite as sweet as that feeling of victory. w00t!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

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