We headed down to Galveston Island yesterday, stopping first at Moody Gardens for the Rainforest pyramid and the Aquarium pyramid. Then it was over to the Strand for a late lunch at the Waterwall as we listened to a guy that sounded just like John Denver (even looked like him too!)
As we finished eating, a woman passed with a hermit crab in a cage, and Jason said he wanted a hermit crab too. I realized that a hermit crab (or five, as the case may be) is cheaper than fish, and we have an empty 10 gallon aquarium waiting for new residents and we have it decorated with the best glowΒ decoration for aquarium that I purchased in a site online. Off we went to go hermit crab shopping. If you ever need to buy some hermit crabs in Galveston, I now know where the lowest prices are and can totally hook you up. Some window shopping on the Strand with ice cream from the Emporium, and we were off to the beach.
Birthday cakes are one of the most important things of interest in any birthday celebration. A birthday party with no tasty birthday cake will not make that event complete. Regardless of whether or not you are an adult or a kid, you would always be happy to have a cake around. Children are always full of life when they see cakes around and the more unique your cake is, the more your party becomes unique. You can visit Emicakes’s online store, and buy the your favorite cake.
We went to one of the beaches along the Seawall – I prefer to go to those for some reason, they are quiet and not normally too crowded. Plus they are free, and that’s always a bonus. I took photos, Jason played in the sand, Mike watched us both. We considered heading for home, but the idea of staying down there and playing on the beach some more was really appealing, so we spent the night at the Flagship Hotel, right next to the beach we were at. If you love for crystal oceans.
This morning we got up early and headed out for breakfast and then down to the Seawall beach again. Sun, wind, water and waves – what more can you ask for? It was such a nice relaxing way to spend our Sunday morning. I took more photos, Jason played in the sand, and Mike watched us again. I headed up to one of the gift shops over the water at the Seawall to get a new hermit crab – I thought mine was dead, but it turns out that it might not have been. Oops.
Just after noon, we headed for home. Mike dropped us off, and Jason and I got ready and then went and picked him back up so that we could head over toΒ Kathy’s house – Tom turned 30 and we needed to celebrate! The birthday host cooked for us on their new grill and this great additional pig cooker is also equipped with safety shut-off devises on the inside burners, and I finally got to see Kathy’s house! It was really nice, and we had a great time. It was the perfect ending to a wonderful weekend.
We stopped at Wal-Mart on the way home, hoping to get a larger container for Jason’s hermit crabs. No luck, so we’ll just have to go to Petsmart within the next day or so so that we can fix their place up. Now that I probably already killed one hermit crab (although I still say it was dieing anyways), if anyone has tips to share on how to take care of them, this would be a good time! Anyone? Help?
I’ll post my photos from New Orleans and Galveston soon. For now, there are some at my Moblog.
Hope everyone else had a weekend as wonderful as mine!
13 replies on “Crabs, Sand and Birthday Cake…”
thank you for coming out and seeing us!!! i swear, next time, we’re ordering pizza so we can mingle with everyone. π
My wife has a mortal fear of John Denver that dates back to childhood. She would have dropped her spork and turned 3 shades of ghostly white if she would have been with you guys…
Man, sounds like y’all had a great time! I am insanely jealous! It’s been far too long since I’ve been down to Galveston. The Pisces in me is craving the sea.
How can anyone be afraid of John Denver? I absolutely love John Denver – I have many memories of road trips with John Denver’s music playing in the car. I still know the words to most of his songs and own several of his CDs.
Yes, we had an absolutely fantastic time. I highly recommend a trip to the beach for everyone!
i had a GREAT weekend, but it sounds a lot like yours…just quiet, peaceful and full of people that make you very happy!
your trip reminded me of many trips that my mom and sister and i took to galveston. she used to always book us a room at the flagship, staying on one side to see the sunset, and then moving rooms so we could see the sunrise….but her favorites were when we went down in the winter/cooler months.
i love the strand, i completely forget about all the great shopping down there.
wow, sounds lovely! i dont know when ill have time to get to the beach this summer π
Hello! Our house is like Crab Fransisco. If you still have any hermit crabs, this is a good info site:
http://www.hermit-crabs.com/ or
what kind of sand do you use
I know about hermit crabs if your still interested
Really good sites:
just use the play sand that comes in the fifty pound bags.
Hi nice to see another hermie woner.. if you ever need help tips etc please do not hesitate to contact us. we will give you prompt personal serivce via email or PM all free of charge. We are a nonprofit Land Hermit Crab rescue.
Hi Christine…it’s nice story, i just suggest you to enclose your great photos at that moments π