Sure, you could write to Dear Abby, and she could try to answer all of your questions. But really, the NSA are the ones that pay attention to you – your phone calls, and who knows what else. So they really know you. They know your needs. They can help you out. Now, you can write to Dear NSA and they will answer all of your questions. Go see some of the helpful ones they have answered already!
4 replies on “Dear NSA…”
hee hee
Venturing into Vistaville…
I’m flying Saturday to Seattle for the Windows Vista Professional Reviewers Workshop. Microsoft traditionally hosts a seminar like this in the months just prior to the release of a new operating system, with the goal of helping reviewers understand ho…
Once again, you come to the amusement rescue! Thanks!
Christine, this is soooo funny! I immediately sent it to my brother-in-law, he works for…oh, nobody, really. Just knew he would appreciate it…I hope.