Amuse Me

Do You Hear What I Hear?

Don’t tell him that I told you, but I caught Mike humming along and snapping his fingers to my Kenny G. “Miracles” Christmas CD. First shock was that he suggested that I put it – or another holiday one – in the CD player. But then … he was humming along! I saw him do it! *SO* busted!

Meanwhile, my lights are finally on my Christmas tree, and he gets all of the credit for it. Saturday I will put the ornaments on. My holiday spirit level is on a steady increase, and this is truly a good thing. I still have to finish my Christmas cards though – so if you’re waiting for one, it will probably be late. Sorry about that!

Kymberlie stopping by to pick up her ZipZap for her brother and dropping off wonderful Christmas presents for me – a copy of “The Freshman” and a grilled sandwich maker – also helped to get me in to the holiday groove. It was wonderful to get a chance to see her!

To top it all off, I put up my Mom’s Nativity set. It’s the one they had while I was growing up. I remember playing with the animals and making sure everything was arranged just right in the stable. I used to think that the wise men should be far away and move closer after Christmas, but not arrive at the scene until January 6th – Epiphany – yes, the 12th day of Christmas. Putting it up at my house brought back a lot of childhood memories – and in the end, isn’t Christmas all about the memories? Now the holidays have finally arrived for me.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

7 replies on “Do You Hear What I Hear?”

(you’re shredding my street cred here…)

I suggested Kenny G. because I know it’s one of your favorite holiday albums. I can’t say I’m a fan, as much of his music is, to me, the jazz equivalent of tapioca. I was actually surprised that some of the tunes on the album had some kick to them.

Growing up, Mom (who watches two things on television – NFL Football and The Weather Channel) would have TWC on in the mornings while we got ready to go. They play Kenny G. behind the “Your Local Forecast” segment.

Those Christmas tunes are classic for a reason. Even Kenny G. can’t mess them up. Humming along to Kenny G’s version of a Christmas classic holds no big shame.

But, now, *regular* Kenny J listening is another thing altogether…

since you’ve been temping, i miss that you can’t update your blog during the day. 🙁 then again, there are days when i can’t blog during the day and then you get home and you’re like… where did all the time go?

Mike, Kenny G.? I started to write a diatribe but it was too easy. Anyways, I fell in love with my fiance because he insisted we listen to the Charlie Brown Christmas soundrack. Now that’s great holiday music.

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