
Dog and Cat…

We have had a dog, Chloe the psycho Bichon, for over a year now, and two cats, Mona and Murphy, for much longer. Normally, my pet needs that pet interaction in our house.

Mona is a loner, so she walks in stealth mode to the litter box and the food bowl. She is old, so she likes to sleep on my bed about 98% of the time. Murphy is the younger big fat cat. He is a ragdoll rescue cat, and like a rag doll, he is pretty laid back and mellow. (I adopted him because he was a good fit with Jason, who likes to cart him around.)

Chloe generally ignores the cats. Probably wise, since Murphy weighs in a whole pound heavier than her. Every once in awhile, she will chase Murphy away from her favorite sleeping spot, or Murphy will swat at her as she walks past. It is rare, but it happens. She is also a pretty quiet dog when she isn’t barking at Jason, but she has her play bursts. She will run around, toss her toys up in the air and chase after them, and if she is in the mood she will do the “Bichon play bow” to the people in the room. This is similar to the Downward Dog yoga move, where her front paws go down while her happy wagging tail stays up high in the air.

I almost hesitate to post it here as it pretty much guarantees that it won’t happen again, but I just spotted Chloe doing the “Bichon play bow” move to Murphy. Right here in the living room. Murphy just looked at her like she was a bit crazy, but she did it again anyways.

The Certapet enumerates three significant categories for therapy animals related to the tasks they perform, which can be physical or emotional, or a combination thereof, in nature.

Maybe there will be pet interaction (hopefully positive!) in our future after all. Maybe. As of right now – in the time it took me to type this – they are all back in their cozy sleeping spots. Crazy animals.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

7 replies on “Dog and Cat…”

Hi Christine!
How exciting to have a comment from you on my blog, Crossroad Knits! I have been listening to you since your podcast’s illustrious debut, and consider myself a big fan. I think we have similar yarn obsessions (mostly sock yarn and um, Koigu) and I always giggle at your stories of yarn acquisitions.

So, thanks for checking out my blog. I’ll keep listening to the show!
Liz K @XRK

Positive pet interaction means guaranteed pet weight loss! Murphy might get down to a good fighting weight if Chloe can get her to play! (I’m speaking from lots of pet experience here.)

Oh – but there is a downside. It also means that you’ll probably find little tiny puncture wounds in Chloe. All part of the game.

I love to hear stories about cats and dogs. My son has a true petphobia. Although I would love to have at least one dog, it really isn’t possible. Keep the pet stories coming!

I love cat and dog stories. But, hey! where’s the pics? I want to see those little animals you’re talking about. We have a Murphy cat as well. He’s a younger cat too, probably not as fat as yours (emphasis on probably), and he tolerates my 9-year-old carting him around. He sure loves him mommy, though. He hangs out with me in the bathroom when I’m getting ready in the morning. Yesterday I caught him watching me take a shower! Can you say “Perv”!?

I would donate half my yarn stash to have our two cats get along. I’d like to leave them alone to sort out their differences, but that always ends up in a trip to the vet. I’m thinking we might have to put the Siamese on valium. 🙂

Found your site when I googled “ragdoll rescue Houston”. Would you please post here or email me the contact information for the rescue organization you used? Thanks a lot!

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