Lengthy paper, including Powerpoint presentation due on Thursday. All about how to become a Pharmacist, what it involves, information on schools, etc. LOTS of information.
Me, being the wise person I am, started on this (a) when I first got the assignment on the first day of class, (b) a few weeks ago, or (c) today, and I have written next to nothing so far.
If you guessed C, you win a prize! (Yeah, I don’t know what the prize is. Pat yourself on the back for me though, ok?)
Even now, I can’t be forced to write anything. I keep reading articles and then wondering off into cyberspace. I would turn off the router, but I’m using online resources. Well, I am in theory, if I was actually writing something.
It is going to be a long week, I can tell you that already. Hmmm… wouldn’t today be a great time to redesign my site? Ok, ok, I’ll focus!
UPDATE, 1:30 am: I have responded to the first 8 bullet points in the outline, and have two single-spaced pages of text already. (I still have to convert it to double space.) I have information for the remaining bullets in the Profession Information section (hot button issues for pharmacists, specializations, related occupations, and other pertinent information). I then have to write about the education program at U of H and at one other school, followed by details on Professional Organizations. I have already printed all of that information, so it is just a matter of sifting through it all.
There is hope. Amazing what happens when I buckle down and work. Now, I must sleep.
Leave cookies*. I’ll need them tomorrow. (*translation: comments. Pretty please.)
13 replies on “Caution…”
You’re much better than me, when I was doing my degree I would leave pretty much every assignemnt until one or two days before they were due. I went well, but boy did I give myself a lot of stress…not to mention ulcers! 😉
Think of an absolutely fantastic knitting project to cast on (or finish!) when this paper is all done. Better yet, dream of some new yarn to add to your stash. After writing a paper – you deserve it! Good luck, not that you’ll need it! 🙂
Go Christine! You can do it!!
Hehehe, I know the problem. I have that right now…have to hand in my course paper at the end of the this week (which is already too late), I have written perhaps half of what is required and most of them, when I go back to read it, is TOTAL crap. *sighs*.
Why don’t we just found a club together: The Club of the Procrastinators…or something along that line, eh? :-p
Mmm. Cookies! Now I’m hungry!
Gee you work the same way I did through school! It adds so much more excitement to your degree! I have faith, you’ll get it done and shine.
I want my prize. I’ll take cookies. I used to do all my papers the night before they were due. No, I did not carry a 4.0. Still I passed everything but math. I’m going to Dallas this weekend for the State Fair! Don’t you wish you were coming? Okay, I’m riding with Kandis and there isn’t room, but besides the midway, corn dogs, cotton candy, pink things and rodeo, there is a fiber barn! Yay. I shouldn’t have to go to Dallas to see sheep, ya know.
I’m just shocked you’re not doing it the night before–why so early? You have plenty of time!!
Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow – unknown source.
Good Luck BPC!
Go Christine – you can do it! 🙂
Tea. Tea and cookies. Lots of tea and cookies. You’ll be fine!
Christine, You need some of that software that recognises the spoken voice so you can dictate the paper while knitting. You’ll be more relaxed and happy from knitting and be able to think clearer to ‘write’. And I bet you can talk faster than you can type!
For every problem there has to be a high techie solution.
I love the pod cast and the blog.
Mary in KS
who knits and listens to podcasts in the car while waiting for the kids to get out of school. Sometimes I show up there there an hour early!
Why not talk to a pharmicist ? They would be able to give you the real dirt on what you need to do.
Mike: I did – but for this particular project, the majority of the research had to come from specific sources – the government’s job outlook report, the universities for their admission requirements and so forth, and the various groups that one can join such as the APhA. I made it through it, there were just other things I would have preferred to be doing! 🙂