
Don’t Lose Your Head…

Don't Lose Your Head

I’m almost done with my shawl! Whoo hoo! The Rosie’s Yarn Cellar Half-Pi Shawl is coming close to the end. I’m down to the i-cord bindoff. So. Painfully. Slow. K2, SSK, move stitches back to the left needle, repeat. For a total of 288 stitches. I was hoping I would be done tonight, but it isn’t looking good at this rate. Maybe it will get faster as I work on it. Or maybe I’ll just finish it tomorrow!

Next up, finishing the Lady Eleanor shawl!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

3 replies on “Don’t Lose Your Head…”

here’s a little timesaver for that bindoff, which will prevent you from having to pass the worked stitches back to the RH needle:
use a DPN to do your K2, SSK, then, after you do the SSK, use the tip of the DPN (RH needle) to pick the next stitch off the LH needle. slide these 4 stitches to the other end of the DPN. with a second DPN, K2, SSK. pick the next stitch of the shawl edge off the original needle, and repeat the process. you will be using 2 DPNs to actually work the I-cord, and the original needle (a circular?) acts as a holder for the shawl edge sts; you will empty it as you go
i hope this helps!.

Anne, thanks so much for the tip! Mike’s messenger bag had similar instructions to what you wrote out, although yours are much more clear. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a DPN in the right size, so in the end I just kept passing the stitches back and forth.

I finished the bind-off today – photos to be posted soon! 😀

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