eBay item 2924466320 (Ends Apr-29-03 20:04:43 PDT ) – I Will Link You on My Blog
Normally I would post this over in the “Cookie Crumbs” but it cracks me up so much I decided it deserved a full post. Is this going to be the next meme? Is everyone going to list their links on eBay? I’m so amused!
4 replies on “Everything Is For Sale…”
and to make matters worse, the guys site is 404. how’s that for value!
Whatever! it is kind of funny and disturbing at the same time….I did see his site is down, what is up with that? What will poeople think of next? 🙂
Hee Hee – I like that! And by the way, I think your blog rocks! Hugs, Lil x
*doh* why didn’t I think of that???