Picture Time

Fake Fake Lomo…

I love the effect created by the Fake Lomo actions. Just one problem – I have Paint Shop Pro 5 on my computer. Stop laughing. I’ve had it for years, and it works well for me. One problem – I can’t figure out how to duplicate these steps in PSP5. Anyone have ideas how to do it?

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

12 replies on “Fake Fake Lomo…”

step one: get photoshop
step two: install actions

hee hee. seriously, there’s a bit of a tutorial at the bottom of that link. can’t you do that? adjust brightness/contrast, then adjust hue/saturation, etc. etc.

They still *make* Paint Shop Pro?? 🙂 Man, I can remember using that back in my early, early days – like ’95 or earlier! I guess I’m no help, am I? 😉

Tried following the tutorial, didn’t work. Don’t think I did the saturation part right. “Get Photoshop” is a great option if I had hundreds of dollars to spend on it. “Buy a Lomo” is also a great option if I had $180 to spend on one – and more importantly, I want to do this with digital pictures. Someone had posted that they modified the steps in the tutorial for Paint Shop Pro, but I can’t remember who, so I figured a plea here for help was a good step.

Try eBay. Sometimes you can get Lomos for about half of what they retail on Amazon — most new in box. Or I just bought the last Holga on Amazon this week — so that’s another option when they restock (eBay has them cheap, too) — and you get the camera (with flash) plus starter kit for $56.99.

didn’t mean to give you an expensive option. I’ve worked a lot with the Lomo, and found that it’s a blast … but was unaware of the ‘Lomoization’ of photos was out there. Seems like cheating to me. But if it saves ya $180., I guess it would be worth it.

Hey, you should see Paint Shop Pro 8. For inexpensive graphic software, PSP is really cool. I’ve never actually seen Photoshop in action, but I know you can use PS brushes and presets in PSP8. I must admit I have never heard of these Lomo “thangs”. I’ll have to research and find out what I can.

See you went and got Photoshop before i could give you the instructions I use (PSP 7 though). The actions feature is the one ultra cool thing I can’t figure out how to do with PSP though, so it you love that ease of use, Photoshop is the money.

Shameless Whoring
Amazon has this Lomo camera on sale for $161. I think that someone out there with money should take pity on a suddenly inspired, yet poor, new mommy and purchase one for her. Yes, that’s what I think. And while…

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