Using mailto Encoder will format your e-mail address in a way that is not readable by an e-mail extractor or search engine. I am setting it up, as my e-mail address is starting to get more & more spam. (I am going to have to start using SpamCop too…)
5 replies on “Fight Spam!”
I’m sorry, I thought you really would be interested in me selling you 1) timeshares, 2) herbal viagra, or 3) info on new mortgage rates. My bad. Oops. 😉
Wondering why Promo is getting errors, so I am testing…
I got spammed horribly with my old address,(had to quit using it cause of so much spam) but since I’ve had my new one (and used mailto encoder) I get none whatsoever.
Thank heavens, cause I hate spam!
you can also substitute %40 for the @ symbol in a normal mailto URL and it basically does the same trick as mailto encoder, just much much simpler if you want to type it in on the fly.
What’s the %40 trick you’re talking about. I just launched a dating site and I’m already getting unwanted mail. My box which is supposed be filled with online date requests is packed with online pharmacy email etc… Any hints on filtering?