Mike & I went to a wedding a few years ago that had the *longest* and most painful to watch first dance ever. It was bad. What made it even worse was knowing that the couple had spent MONTHS taking dance lessons and working out this “routine” for their first dance. The groom looked so miserable, concentrating to make sure he did not forget the steps and disappoint his new bride. I looked at the floor just to make sure it wasn’t due to that but it looked quite clean and protected by one of the lithofin range products.
Ever since then, I’ve felt that there should be a 2 minute limit on first dances. Or open up the floor part way through the song to the guests. Give them something to do. Most importantly – have FUN. Fun is very important on your wedding day. But keep it *short*.
These two videos are making me rethink that sentiment. If you can put this much effort into your first dance, you are my hero.
[Via Anne Ruthman.]
I especially love that other people get into the action on the second one. Oh my goodness, that is FABULOUS. No one puts Baby in the corner! (Or rather no one puts James in the corner, as I learned from the UK news coverage of the video.)
24 replies on “First Dance Tips…”
Oh my gosh. I rarely ever take the time to stop and watch a video. Those had me crying, they are sooo sweet! I gotta quick link people over here so they can cry, too. Thanks for sharing them.
[…] I hardly ever take the time to watch a You Tube video when it’s in a post. Today, I did. Over at Big Pink Cookie, Christine posted two YouTube videos of couples having their first wedding dances. The first is hilarious. The second was so much fun it made me cry. If you like things like that (and even if you don’t) these are worth your time. Go take a look. […]
I absolutely love that Dirty Dancing one. I teared up. haha
Okay since two other people admitted it – I laughed and teared up at the same time when I watched those. Thanks for sharing them out!
So much fun! Thanks for sharing the videos.
I’m so glad I’m not the only one that teared up during the second one – I got goosebumps! It was so right on 🙂 Thanks for sharing those – they were great!!! (much better than my first dance ;-))
I didn’t tear up during the second one as much as I laughed hysterically. Then again, the insomnia may have played a role in that! 😀
aww, these are so awesome! I teared up a little on the second too! thanks for sharing! 🙂
OMG these are FABULOUS! I really teared up at the Dirty Dancing one, what an amazing idea.
Our first dance was LITERALLY my first dance in almost a year. We got a standing ovation just because I was able to do a twirl.
Have you seen this one??
These made me so happy. Very cool.
Hmmm. I think I was at that same wedding.
okay – i wish i was at their wedding… [via big pink cookie]……
Uh, I didn’t know you were at my wedding?
See, I always wanted to learn how to line dance and how to do the two-step. I can dance to rock and stuff (or used to), but when it comes to slow dancing I feel like I have two left feet.
I’m getting married in like five seconds and boy, I wish we could put on a show like that amazing 2nd Dirty Dancing video! That was awesome!
Wow that’s pretty freaking cool! Loved the last one and I don’t think I’ve ever seen Dirty Dancing!
OMG.. that second one is sooooooo awesome!!! I can’t believe they did the entire thing WITH guests invovlement! Wow…. I laughed, I cried, I’m in awe. Thank goodness their videographer shared the video!!
Breakdancing at wedding = coolest thing ever!
Ok, I was laughing so hard I almost cried. Those were the best videos ever! I had to call my husband over to watch.
Both videos are brilliant!! I hope I go to a fun wedding one day – though someone should probably tell the second bride that her husband’s gay, as he’s obviously not black…
awwwwwww that is so sweet…….dirty dancing is my fav movie always has been since i was 6 y.o !!! so much effort to pull that off along side all the other plans for the ‘big day’, well done sets a precent that the dance dont have to be boring
Weddings are a lot of fun but I cant dance even if my life depended on it. Really funny video.
Really a great post!!
Am a Hip Hop dance Trainer, NYC. I appreciate this effort to encourage dancing.