The other morning, I was listening to the radio while coming in to work. They started talking about the first perfumes and colognes they owned. Maria kept going on about how her first was Exclamation! Their tagline was something like, “Make a statement without saying a word…” It was all hysterically funny – and even more amusing was the fact that out of all the calls they got, only one man decided to call in!
My first perfume was Love’s Baby Soft. I think I even had the body powder too, probably a gift set from Walgreens. Later, I wore Gloria Vanderbilt. My Dad (who is a Walgreens manager) joked about how they got in gift sets that included Gloria Vanderbilt deoderant. What kind of gift is that? “I don’t like how you smell, so here is some perfume and some deoderant too!” In my recent cleaning binges, I threw away the last lingering bottle of Gloria Vanderbilt that I had. Eventually, I moved on to Poison, Passion, and Eternity. All three give me migraines now. These days I wear the Vanilla perfume from the Body Shop. Nice and simple.
Someday, I would love to get my hands on a bottle of Love’s Baby Soft just so I can smell it again. If I remember correctly – it was a nice, light scent. I’m probably wrong though, and it probably smells horrid! Really, who could smell it anyways over the Bonnie Bell Lip Smackers giant lip gloss that we were all wearing? Remember all the wacky flavors?
So … what was your first fragrance? Your initial signature scent? Where did you get it? Was it a gift? Did you do the same thing as one caller the other day and steal it? What’s the story? Tell us all about it…
103 replies on “Flashback Friday…”
I was looking for vanilla deoderant when I came along this site. Bath And Body has Warm Vanilla Sugar-everything but…CHANTILLY, now there’s an oldie that is still sold as a box set, with the perfume, lotion, and powder! I used it, even while I was in College, because my roomate always used my stuff too!
As a teenager, I used Love’s Baby Soft, Avon’s Sweet Honesty and Coty’s Sweet Earth solid perfume. There were three scents in one compact. Gawd, this is taking me back! I’m 42 now. Oh, and when I was really young, I had Cashmere Bouquet powder! Who remembers Agree, Breck, Body on Tap, Short & Sassy and Gee, Your Hair Smells Teriffic shampoos? I adored the monster-sized Lip Smackers in Bubble Gum, Dr. Pepper and 7-Up. Cherry Smash was my favorite Kissing Potion. My first real boyfriend Bruce loved it, too!
I started wearing Love’s Baby Soft when I was 15, and I’ve worn it ever since!! You can get it at any major drugstore, and at Walmart and Target. I’ve tried other fragrances, most successfully Green Tea by (Elizabeth Arden?) But everything I try seems overpowering compared to the soft, simple fragrance of my youth. I just wish they still made the lotion and shampoo!! π
P.S.– I’m now nearly 40 hehe
I definately remember “Rain”. What a flashback when you even mentioned it. You inspired me to see if it is still made. According to epinion, there is a varienty of Love’s called rain, maybe the same thing (?)
My first perfume was Loves musky jasmine…….I would have the PERFECT life If i could get my hands on just “1 little squirt”!!!! I have searched far and near and zip……
If anyone has any help as to where I can find some…….you will have a NEW BEST FRIEND!!!
Oh wow! I just ran across this site looking up Love’s Baby Soft and it instantly brought me back to my heavy perfume years. I remember in grade 7 I started wearing perfume like all the other girls. I had Malibu, which I wore everyone once in a while, but Tribe was my favorite. I had bottles and bottles of it. It was a really strong scent and I would pretty much bathe in it every morning. My parent’s bathroom is right across the hallway from my parent’s bedroom and my father would get choked almost to death every morning from my perfume stench. Plus the loads of hairspray I used. I had some Exclaimation! Oh yeah and Vanilla Fields and or Vanilla Musk, they were both the big rage. Eventually I learned less is more and pretty much stopped wearing heavy scents because of allergies. I now wear Body Shop’s Tobacco Flower, and Gap’s Heaven, which are both light smells. I find The Gap makes really light clean scents. I never did own Love’s Baby Soft, but a lot of my friends did. I remember my best friend had the powder and for some strange reason we started to play fight with it and had ourselves covered head to toe in it.
Wow. I cant believe I am even actively looking for some loves musky jasmine but here I am (for shame!!) I remember the way it smelled and always thought I was too cool and sophisticated when I wore it. I would petition the company in a heartbeat if I new how. Picture me picketing outside the building with a smiley face t-shirt and my hushpuppy shoes (hehe)
I love Love’s Baby Soft and still have a half-bottle of it from way back when – (late 70’s?!) problem is, the spray top is broken and there is no way to even get a HINT of that wonderful smell – so frustrating! I just might buy myself another little bottle. I remember the body powder too and still have about an inch of that left as well – the powder itself is a light baby pink – so pretty! For some reason I’ll never throw them out. Later I loved Halston in the bean shaped bottle – Mmmmmm…and White Shoulders. I’ve been looking for something that smells “beachy” and haven’t found anything I like, so I’ve been wearing #4 Coppertone as a moisturizer and you wouldn’t believe the comments – “you smell like the beach!” – Mission accomplished – who needs perfume?? π
I love Love’s Baby Soft and still have a half-bottle of it from way back when – (late 70’s?!) problem is, the spray top is broken and there is no way to even get a HINT of that wonderful smell – so frustrating! I just might buy myself another little bottle. I remember the body powder too and still have about an inch of that left as well – the powder itself is a light baby pink – so pretty! For some reason I’ll never throw them out. Later I loved Halston in the bean shaped bottle – Mmmmmm…and White Shoulders. I’ve been looking for something that smells “beachy” and haven’t found anything I like, so I’ve been wearing #4 Coppertone as a moisturizer and you wouldn’t believe the comments – “you smell like the beach!” – Mission accomplished – who needs perfume?? π
I love Love’s Baby Soft and still have a half-bottle of it from way back when – (late 70’s?!) problem is, the spray top is broken and there is no way to even get a HINT of that wonderful smell – so frustrating! I just might buy myself another little bottle. I remember the body powder too and still have about an inch of that left as well – the powder itself is a light baby pink – so pretty! For some reason I’ll never throw them out. Later I loved Halston in the bean shaped bottle – Mmmmmm…and White Shoulders. I’ve been looking for something that smells “beachy” and haven’t found anything I like, so I’ve been wearing #4 Coppertone as a moisturizer and you wouldn’t believe the comments – “you smell like the beach!” – Mission accomplished – who needs perfume?? π
I love Love’s Baby Soft and still have a half-bottle of it from way back when – (late 70’s?!) problem is, the spray top is broken and there is no way to even get a HINT of that wonderful smell – so frustrating! I just might buy myself another little bottle. I remember the body powder too and still have about an inch of that left as well – the powder itself is a light baby pink – so pretty! For some reason I’ll never throw them out. Later I loved Halston in the bean shaped bottle – Mmmmmm…and White Shoulders. I’ve been looking for something that smells “beachy” and haven’t found anything I like, so I’ve been wearing #4 Coppertone as a moisturizer and you wouldn’t believe the comments – “you smell like the beach!” – Mission accomplished – who needs perfume?? π
I remember all this stuff!!! You can sometimes get Loves Baby Soft at the dollar store, also Chantilly. I had to buy some of the Baby Soft, and I wear it sometimes (think I’ll go put some on!) I have a friend who remembers it too, she told me her mother said it smelled like fly spray, which I thought was hilarious. My mom has some Emeraude–it was by Coty. I still love it, but I don’t buy much perfume. I remember the yo-yos and the giant Lipsmackers, too. Naturistics has some clones of those you can find some places–I’ve bought 2 for the nostalgia (but I use them). This is so fun!
Oh My God – sorry for the multiple posts everyone! π
Does anyone remember that cool looking promo item, the “Love’s Baby Soft T-Shirt” ‘member that? It was pink with a big huge powder blue bow on the front. I’d love to have that now. It would look great with jeans.
I’m searching for the spray called ‘Friday’. Does anyone remember what company made it? My first signature perfume was Allissa Ashley. Then I started wearing my boyfriend’s Obsession, since he didn’t like wearing it and I loved the smell! I also loved Cinnabar and Champagne. Both are discontinued now, I think.
Ummm. Smells Good.
I was over at Christine’s and she was flashing back about perfumes. The first scent that I can recall wearing…
Monday Mission 3.38
Ahh, another week, another Monday. Is it me, or are the weeks going by faster now that fall is near? Had to wait for the lunch hour to prepare your Mission, mighty busy today. Thank you to everyone who participates. The MM has been going for a long tim…
Monday Mission 3.38
1. Christine posted recently about her very first perfume. I remember my first cologne, it was Polo! Well what else would you expect from a kid who grew up in the 80’s? Eventually I moved on to Chaps and then…
OMG!!!! I have been looking for the Love’s T-Shirt for YEARS! I didn’t think anyone else remembered it. It had the bow and said, “I’m Baby Soft.” Any luck finding it?
Hey! My first perfume was Loves baby soft as well! After my first bottle, maybe a year or so later i got that sampler set for christmas that someone else mentioned! and to Lori ( i think thats who said it) i still to this day have that set… its old… im 21 now and i probably got that set when i was like… 8… but next time im home ill spritz some of the jasmine into something for you if you want! that one and rain were my FAVORITES! im so going to scour the internet now to find those… id KILL for a rain!! ohhh you people! and remember the lemon one too? there was rain with the turquoise lid, jasmine was purple, babysoft was pink, lemon was yellow….. what was the fifth one? anyway if anyone finds where you can buy rain…. ill love you…. and to Lori– get a hold of me and ill mail you a little vial so you can smell the jasmine again!!!!
forgot to subscribe to comments so you guys can reach me if youre dying for those scents lol <3
you guys!!! fellow LOVE’s fanatics… LOOK
5 pc sampler set… 4 of the 5 fragrances that were in that gift set some of us had… mine didnt have that vanilla one but oh well! the lemon, the rain and the jasmine are there- i thought they were long gone!!! hope this helps you! i know im buying one NOW lol
OMG! I’ve been lurking on eBay to find those fragrances. Yes, you know we are old when “our time” is now “nostalgic” !!! I remember Electric Youth, Tribe, Original Liz Claiborne (still have some), Avon’s Pearls and Lace and Tranquility. I could go on forever. I actually forgot about some of the fragrances until I read them here. Thanks everyone who’s provided links, ahhh the memories. Those were the days!!!
OMG, love the Cherry Vanilla,used to buy at Walmart and it smelled so awesome on me! if I do say so myself…I also liked Coty Wild Patchouli and Fresh Patchouli, I like intense…there was also some based on the elements by coty, I didn’t like fire or water but loved air and earth…Women of Earth from Avon was awesome though they didn’t carry it very long…
does anyone remember the Jean Nate shampoo for young girls that was in a pink bottle and it smelled like candy??? My mom bought it for me when I was like 10 and I cant find it anymore.
My favorite perfume ever was Avon’s Pearls and Lace…It was just mesmerizing. Any chance of finding it at all?
To read all ur post, i feel like trying that “love baby soft”, even that i am french,it sounds attractive to me, i want to try also “jovan musk women” and the shampoo “gee your hair smalls terrific” !!!! On our side of this planet, i am born in Paris, the most common perfume that teen female use to wear, ( i am 33), was probably “anais anais” by Cacharel, “l’air du temps” by cacharel”, and from the supermarket all the “eau jeune”…
OMG! I had the “Love’s Baby Soft” T-shirt and got asked if I was baby soft! Drug Mart is now selling Love’s Baby Soft. The Rain sent was one of my all time favs too.
Jade527-have you tried
I don’t think Love’s Baby Soft has to be worn only by young woman. I’m only 47 (LOL) and going to the Drug Mart today to pick up a bottle. Patchouli is also an ultimate fragrance! Anyone know of a ‘fume that’s mostly grapefruit that’s good??
Anyone know an online site to purchase Cherry Vanilla??
Thanks! :0)
forget ne not by avon was the shizzle for me. i stole my mother’s everyday and it was my only christmas gift request. she should have infered from that that she had a gay son on her hands.
I’ll take you back even further, the scents from my childhood/teenhood include “Blue Jeans”, Coty Sweet Earth Compacts (especially wood’s), Avon Sweet Pea Solid, and a Jovan Musk in a bottle like the one with the orange lid, but this one had a hot pink lid. I also liked Maxi by Max Factor.
Hi all I’m looking for Love’s Baby Soft Musky Jasmine Perfume. I used it all the time many years ago. My girlfriend and I were talking about it today and I told her I looked for it at Christmas time and could not find it. I loved it and wore it all the time. Hope someone can help. Thanks Rosemary
I came upon this thread while searching for Love’s Musky Jasmine. I don’t remember what my first cologne/perfume was, but the Musky Jasmine became my signature scent. I’ve been searching for it off & on the past few years. To this day, my cousins (overseas) ask if I can get them a bottle or two. The Soft Jasmine is not the same. The Musky Jasmine was the one I’ve gotten compliments on from guys. Would love to find one for old time’s sake!!!
I love in Scotland, fell in love with the Coppertone Sunscreen smell!! Can’t find it anywhere, anyone have any ideas??
Anais Anais and Chloe. Can’t remember how I got my first bottles of either, but I remember dousing myself in the stuff.
Later on I moved on to Coco by Chanel, YSL by Yves Saint Laurent and Magie Noire by Lancome.
Oddly I can’t stand perfume now. It gives me headaches and makes me sneeze. Ah the follies of youth.
ps. does anyone remember the little solid perfume jewellery from avon? They were pendants and pins which opened up to reveal solid perfume.
Oh, I also forgot a brief period in 7th grade when I wore Brut cuz it smelled like the boy I had a crush on. *grin*
I used to love skin musk body spray it was in a silver or gold can with green letters, and the same company maybe bonne bell made another spray in a silver can with blue letters and a blue top, it was something like “fresh” or “cool” I cannot remember, but it smelled so good…i wore it in the 80’s does anyone remember?
My niece was visiting, she is 9 years younger than I. were were looking for a scent in walmart and i saw coty and we started in about love’s baby soft. i just bought two spray bottles and sent her one for a big surprize! they are white aerosols with pink heart on them and a pink cap. They cans do show some rust but who cares! they smell the same but i actually wore some today and started getting a headache. I have searched high and low for blue jeans by coty. they have a versace blue jeans for men now and that’s all that comes up. not the same. i still have an empty yellow bottle with the blue cap! i also used halston & musk. check out ebay!
Penny Says:
May 31st, 2006 at 7:57 am
I love in Scotland, fell in love with the Coppertone Sunscreen smell!! Canβt find it anywhere, anyone have any ideas??
Have you tried buying online? has Coppertone products, including tanning lotion. Here’s the link
kim Says:
July 30th, 2006 at 5:48 pm
I used to love skin musk body spray it was in a silver or gold can with green letters,
I’m wearing Skin right now! I still love it and it still smells so soft and warm and subtle. I get it at local drugstores – i/e Brooks, CVS, etc.
Can someone tell me if they have seen a series of colognes named ( I think,Elements, one was named Water, Air and Fire? I found some one time in wal-marts, but I believe they were discontinuing them. I would thank you much if you could e-mail me on this.
Wow, do you guys have the best memories !! It was a treat just to read thru these comments . . . . i had forgotten about a lot of these scents mentioned. My first (and most loved) perfume was Love’s Soft Musky Jasmine also. I think I was about 13 and yesterday I turned 50 and still think it was a perfume that was meant for me. I’ve hardly worn perfume since they stopped making it because I never had that reaction to ANY perfume before or since. Around 35 I did stop dead in my tracks while walking thru the perfume section of a department store and when I traced the delicious scent it was a perfume called “Pavlova”. If you’ve never tried it, find some. Really nice ! And just lately I was introduced by a co-worker who smelled divine to a scent called “New West” by Aramis (for women). Don’t let the name fool you. I almost don’t even want to tell anyone about it, because I already have enough trouble getting it – don’t need more competition. I want it all to myself. I have NEVER worn it without everyone around me asking me about it, including my Fed-Ex guy who knew it right away because he said its his wife’s favorite and she has trouble finding it also. Mostly find it at Ulta, but don’t go there cause then there won’t be any for me. Besides, I really hate it when someone is wearing “my” perfume. If you buy it once, you’ll be buying it forever – swear ! And try the “Pavlova”. Absolutely entrancing !! Men love it because its soft – just barely there.
Ok – Here’s a blast from the past- Anybody remember “Daisy L” by Coty? Think it was ’75-’76. Or “Nuance” by Coty? Those 2 were my favorites! “Sweet Honesty” always reminded me of (don’t laugh)formaldahyde. I do like ‘vanilla’ now
I am looking for Gee your hair smells terrific shampoo. Does anyone know where it can be purchased?
Does anyone know where I can find a scent that smells like Avon’s discontinued fragrance Pearls & Lace? I couldn’t get enough of that one. I even used it as a home frangrance spraying it in every room! If so, please e-mail me at Thanks.