Digging through the MT-Plugins site, I am amazed at how many options are out there that I wasn’t even aware of! I am always wondering how people do things on their sites, and inspired by that, I realized that I should add a Changelog category here. Feel free to follow along if you want to track my additions or changes to the site!
10 replies on “Follow The Bouncing Ball…”
Hehe, neat idea. 😀
I owe you some credit for the brainstorm – that MTGrid plugin will do exactly what I’ve wanted for months!
I can’t get out of your grey & white skin. It doesn’t fit on my screen even if I change the settings … *pout* I want my pink cookie skin back 🙁
Haha, well, MTGrid was an accidental discovery … when I was rebuilding my photolog, I went to ScriptyGoddess to find the PHP code for creating columns automatically in a photolog. When I found the code, someone had left a comment there about how the MTGrid plugin did the same exact thing … and voila. Serendipity – or whatever it is. 😉
Isn’t it amazing how many plugins there are? Super-cool stuff!!! 🙂
Lynn and I are having the same problems. I’m totally stuck.
Kymberlie, you’re totally stuck … on what? I’m lost…
Oh, you’re stuck in the grey & white skin? What did you do to get there, silly girl? Geepers … I warn you not to use it if you’re using IE, and you use it anyways? I even posted a link on my index page to take you back to the default skin. *sigh* You can get to that link via your NewzCrawler, but if you didn’t realize that already, go here to go back to the default template.
Uh, no, I didn’t use it anyways. I was looking at the site and for whatever reason, the pop-up was the blue and grey skin. Next time I visited it was my cookie.
Ok now, that is bizarre! I wonder how that happened. Hmm…
If you don’t have anything positive to say, don’t say anything.