
For the Geek Artist in Me…

ATC - First AttemptA few months ago, Elaine sent me an e-mail about making Artist Trading Cards. We have all the paper, all the supplies, and all the creativity that we needed to make it happen. Unfortunately, we never seemed to have the time or the energy. This summer, things are changing around here, and we are both on a mission to do things that we keep saying we want to do. So yesterday, she e-mailed me that she had made her first ATCs and she was going to the meetup for the Houston area last night.

In my “make it happen” mode, I wrote her back and asked if I could join her.

About an hour before I had to leave, I decided to follow her lead and put together two cards of my own using an imperfect photograph from my photography class. I cut it down to size (2.5″ x 3.5″) and then I used Mike’s flashcards of Tibetan words to write “to be famed/renowned” on them.

… yes, Mike took Tibetan in college. It was the only elective he got to choose that wasn’t fulfilling a degree requirement for his Chemical Engineering degree from Rice. He wanted something radically different. Why take something boring like French when you can take Tibetan?

Last night we went to the ATC meetup, and it was a blast! We definitely made up a diverse mix, but with one common thread of being creative people. The conversations were interesting and diverse, and we had such a good time. It was fun looking at everyone else’s ATCs, and when I got home I couldn’t stop thinking of ideas of cards to make.

Do you make ATCs? Would you? Want to trade? Flaunt your inner artist a little. It is only the size of a playing card – you can do it!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

8 replies on “For the Geek Artist in Me…”

I love ATC’s! 🙂 I’d love to trade with you, Christine!

I have a good friend who has recently discovered ATC’s and blogging, and actually set a blog up for it 2 days ago. She’s a very talented artist. I’m enjoying her enthusiasm. *grin*

So cool that you were able to get together within a group setting, all sharing ATC’s. I’m jealous!

We really enjoyed having the two of you come to the meeting. It’s always great to meet new people, see different artistic visions…. and I still can’t get over all the “small world” connections you shared with people there.

See you next time!

I think you know I have done ATCs. Last night I went to a scrapbook thing and spent the whole night working on a series of 24 ATCs for the HP podcast I do.

I’d tell you to search at my blog for “ATC”, but the search feature apparently thinks any post with the letters a, t, and c are to be counted LOL

Next time I visit, I’ll just bring my binder of cards down.

Totally unrelated: I’ve just tried to send you an Invitation to Vox, but found that you’re already on there….so I added you to my friends list following some decisions I’m making about blogging. So, now you should be able to read my friends-only entries and comment on them all! 🙂 Glad to find out that you’re also on there!

I just discovered ATCs!! A friend of mine is REALLY into collage and she just taught an ATC class at the week long Fine Arts Camp that my daughter attended. (I taught fabric/banner art!). I want her to do an adult class!!

I would LOVE to be part of a swap!


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