
Fresh Friday Finds…

It has been ages since I’ve shared some fresh finds, but I have some that I really needed to share – enjoy! (I have more, but I am in a hurry and can’t find the links – so I’ll expand it next week.)

Incognito Breeder is a former blogger that has returned, well, incognito. She is simply a riot.
42 at 96. Allessandria had the ability to make me laugh, which is always a good thing. Go enjoy.

I could add Pixelog, but you already know that the thumbnails change at the top of this site as that site changes, right? So every time they change, go there. I’m so glad I’m updating it again – I was really tired of the “big ass beers” thumbnail!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

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Fresh Friday Finds…

I’m feeling a zillion times better today then I did yesterday – it must be all the well wishes from everyone! Well, that and the ZPack. I went to the lab this morning to be turned in to a human pincushion – it seems that the nurse didn’t want to believe me when I said I have no veins. None. She stuck me in both arms and then finally did the butterfly syringe in my hand that I suggested to start with. Good thing they only needed one tube of blood. I asked them to check my blood pressure again too – it was 142/92 today. No, not great – but a lot better than it was yesterday.

Since I’m feeling better, I’m cranking lots of things out and getting things done. That always makes me happy. I needed to stop and recognize some great finds though – they may not be new to you, but they are new to me…

:: Truck808 – Robert finally decided after SXSW that it was time to give in and start blogging! He is an awesome guy and I’m so glad I’ve met him in person; I can’t say enough good things about him.
:: Plastic Fruit – I found Don thanks to Blogshares, and I’ve been hooked ever since. Fresh plastic fruit served with a side of sarcasm!
:: All About George – I didn’t really meet George at SXSW, although I saw him in passing several times. He told a great story at Fray Cafe, and I knew then that I would be drawn to his writing. I was right – great thought provoking stuff!
:: Minor Third – Just because Jay is Erika’s husband, there are a zillion other reasons to read his site – the key one being he is simply a funny guy!
:: Living Juicy – It’s fun, it’s juicy, it’s life. And Sydney & I could probably pass ourselves off as sisters. Matter of fact, there is a story behind meeting Sydney…

Sydney posted to the H-Town Blogs list the day before SXSW that she was heading to Austin too. I e-mailed her and told her that she was welcome to meet up with us, hang out, go to lunch and dinner, etc. She said she had some things planned already, but she would let me know. On Saturday morning, I passed her on the corner on the way to the convention center. Problem is, she knew what I looked like – but I had no clue what she looked like! So here I am, half asleep, walking down a street in Austin, and I hear, “Christine?” I look around, and the only person nearby is someone I don’t recognize at all. I paused. She said it again, then she added, “It’s me, Sydney!” She joined us on the walk to the convention center, and we started chatting away as if we had known each other forever. She is absolutely adorable – and has the most gorgeous hair of any woman I know – and I just had that “instant click” feeling. An added bonus? She lives just outside of Houston, so I can see her year round!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

3 replies on “Fresh Friday Finds…”

I have the same vein thing. They usually have to use my hand, too. I actually prefer that, although my doctor says I’m NUTS because that’s supposed to hurt way more. But it doesn’t for -me-. I’m abnormal, though. 🙂 My mom is the same way. She always tells the nurses that her veins see the needle coming and go running off to hide. 🙂

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