It seems that Matt Haughey’s Tivo feels the same way I do about war programs! HGTV has been getting quite a workout over here.
It seems that Matt Haughey’s Tivo feels the same way I do about war programs! HGTV has been getting quite a workout over here.
6 replies on “Tivo Rocks!”
I JUST got my tivo in the mail today! 🙂 (ok, well, UPS) =:D
Oh – you will love it! You will wonder how you ever lived without one!
How well does Tivo work with Digital Cable? I’m moving and will soon be getting either Comcast Digital or Time Warner Digital Cable and they make working the VCR so complex with digital cable (or at least Time Warner did last time I had it).
I have digital cable – my cable box sits on top of the Tivo, and there is an IR thingie that changes the cable box channels so that I can record the premium channels that I can’t get without the cable box. Most of the time it behaves; sometimes it doesn’t change the channel right – which of course drives me batty! Nothing worse then recording channel 1 (TV Guide) when you thought you were recording channel 12 (NBC)!
My husband and I just got a Tivo about two months ago and our television watching habits have so completely changed. Love the Tivo!
This was a great site. I needed to find something for my Homework and This site helped me out so much! Thanx alot!!!!