Just a little link love for more Fresh Friday Finds! Does it count as a meme if I’m the only one doing it? Ah, who cares! These people deserve your reading attention! So here they are – maybe not new to you, but new to me!
:: Secret Kings – Fastest way to win my heart? Mention Germany in any form. Traveling around Europe. I’m all for it! Let’s go!
:: Exposur3 – Chrys’s photographs have a tendency to make me very jealous. I aspire to be anywhere near as good.
:: White Light – Wonderful blend of photographs and the written word. I’m very, very in to photography lately.
:: Out of Order – I love her list of reasons to hate the word blog. Yeah, yeah, it’s in the title of my own site. I would change it if I was willing to give up my #1 rating in Google for Christine. I’m not.
:: Reconstructed Mind – A pleasure to read, and more wonderful pictures – in spite of what she might say about them.
If you don’t see me around much, I’ll be upgrading my copies of MT (yes, there are several of them) and then installing MT for others. After that, there is real house housekeeping to do, and then more housekeeping on Blogomania to take care of. In between all of that, I’m going to spend some time with my son and maybe take some more pictures. He wants to start taking pictures too, which is fantastic, but before we start going through film I’m going to work with him on some of the basics of photography. I’ll also probably have to curb him from taking pictures of everything in sight by suggesting that he help pay for film and developing. I don’t mind if he takes good pictures, or even some bad pictures. I don’t want 17 pictures of a snail, too close up to be in focus. The little $40 640×480 image digital camera for him looks better all the time.
7 replies on “Fresh Friday…”
If I can help w/any of that stuff, you know where to find me!!! 🙂
Yeah, a digital camera might not be a bad idea at all. HAHAHA
Secret Kings is a cutie too, just fyi. ; )
i don’t hate the word blog. i rather dig it and yes it’s part of my URL and yes i’m #1 in google for ‘kd’. so, you know, rather stuck with it now.
for the record, kd: a blog was me experimenting with MT in preparation for moving surreally from GM to MT. i was just playing, honest. it just got a little out of hand.
Enjoy your weekend!
How can i make a website like this?
You know Philo, I think I found Secret Kings through your site. Or one of your Blogwhore posts. Either way, I love reading his site!
Kristine-y, I still have about 12 boxes of stuff to go through – come on down! 😉
kd, out of hand is a good thing. I always love reading your blog.
Ashley, I am having a good weekend. Following your advice too – “Start in a corner”. I’m in the second corner now and the first corner is clear. Yeah!
Paige, and HTML book and practice, practice, practice. Or you can just pay us to do it for you.
I like the digital camera option too, because you’ll probably save a fortune on film.