Friday Five from!
1. What’s your favorite time of day? Hmmm… on the weekends it’s in the morning, when there is a whole day wide open ahead of me. On the weekdays? I guess late at night after myson is in bed and it’s nice and quiet so I can relax and unwind.
2. What’s your least favorite time of day? Weekdays – afternoon, when I realize what all I haven’t done yet that I still need to do. Weekends, I don’t have a least favorite time of day – unless someone wakes me up at 6am or something!
3. Are you a morning person or a night owl? Does it cause any problems? I am a night owl, and it causes problems because in reality I am a much better functioning as a morning person! I get a lot more done in the day if I get up and get moving early!
4. If you had an entire worry- and obligation-free day, what would you do with it? Hmmm, well that sums up a lot of weekends lately! I spent one of those reading a book (Confessions of a Shopaholic) and a whole weekend figuring out CSS and skinning this site. Last Sunday I just vegged for hours in front of the TV! Sure, the dusting didn’t get done, but at least I had a relaxing day!
5. How do you plan to spend your weekend? If it was up to me, I would go to the Ren Fest – but I am not about to go alone! And everyone else is busy, so I guess that’s not going to happen. (Jason hates to do anything that involves a lot of walking, and I want to go see the skits which can be a bit baudy at times) I am getting together with a friend Friday night for a movie. (Is it a date or not a date? Only time will tell… long story.) Saturday, Jason & I have to work on his book report and decorating a pumpkin to coordinate with it. He is writing on the “Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe” and making a pumpkin decorated as Aslan (the lion). Should be interesting!
3 replies on “Friday Five!”
Oh, that sounds like loads of fun! Kahea and I are spending Saturday sans Lonnie [he has to go to a new-teacher thingie], so we’re going on a picnic, enjoying the park, making pumpkin treats and decorating our pumpkins at home. Then on Sunday, I’ll have to make a mad dash through the house to get it in order again! Enjoy your weekend!
Anyway, I wish Jason and you luck and hope that you make a better grade. 🙂
Shannon, I am afraid Jason’s book report will have the same problem! Well, we did finally get it down to two pages. Whew. It was soooo hard to decided what info to keep though, it is such a GOOD book!