

After pondering it some more, I’ve finally pegged a few reasons for my funkalicious mood lately.

1. Hormones. Being a woman sucks.I have been looking into symptoms of low DHEA and have been amazed at how much this has to do with all of my hormone issues.

2. Fatigue. For the past week or two, I’ve been tired all the time. 8 hours of sleep is not enough; I wake up on my own in the morning (before the alarm goes off), but all I want to do is go back to sleep.

3. Caffiene. I had cut it out of my diet, and recently I’ve let it sneak back in. Now I haven’t had it in days, so I think it drags me down.

4. Housework. I’m hyper-sensitive to anything in my house being messy. Thanks to being so tired though, I don’t want to deal with it. So instead, it just pisses me off. All the time. I can’t stand it. Ironically, the ADD meds have helped kick my manic modes, so what would normally throw me into overdrive to do a ton of work isn’t happening. The good thing? No manic cycles. The bad thing? I’m frustrated by seeing things that are messy, and when I get frustrated I retreat. Vicious cycle.

So I’m off to clean. I really want to take a nap, but I’ll resist the urge for now. Maybe after I clean the kitchen, I’ll let myself take a nap as a reward…

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

6 replies on “Funkalicious…”

i know what you mean. i’ve been so busy the last few weeks i’ve been too tired / busy to clean, but the mess in my apartment is driving me nuts. last night i finally took 30 mins or so to clear off my kitchen table, and i found a piece of mail i had gotten 3 weeks ago that i never opened! but i feel so much better now that my table is cleared off. maybe you can just do one little thing every day?

Again, I can relate. When my house is cluttered and out of order, so am I. It’s directly related. It’s funny though, Jake and Eric don’t seem to have the same relation. How ironic! 😉

I COMPLETELY understand. Working full time, I get home tired, and then there’s this house that needs cleaning… ugh. I’m tired, but it’s killing me to look at it dirty.

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