
Where Did The Time Go?

Goodness. Has it really been almost a week since I posted anything? Really? I swear, it doesn’t seem like it’s been that long. Then again, my mind seems to be somewhere else lately. I’ve been in a terrible funk, and since I don’t have any real reason to be depressed it is bugging me even more. I feel broken, and I can’t fix it because I don’t know what to fix.

I should clarify, I guess, that I’m not talking major depression. Just a cloudy haze that is covering everything. I’m in no mood to deal with people, I don’t want to talk to anyone, and I just want to do things alone. Not a very good state to be in personally, and I’m sure it’s about to push my family over the edge.

Outside of the issue of my present state of mind, things have actually been pretty good. (See what I mean about it not making any sense?) Here is a recap of what I’ve been up to:

– Tuesday – I did a stamping lesson in downtown Houston at an office building. We made truly adorable notecard sets, with a card holder and then 4 coordinating notecards to go inside. Afterwards, I stopped to see my friend Debra to deliver her stamping goodies. I haven’t seen her in awhile, so it was nice to get some time to visit. Came home to knit.

– Wednesday – knit, knit, knit. Mel’s wedding is coming up fast and furious, so I set aside a nice block of time to knit. I was completely foiled though when I caused a knitting emergency, sending about 10 stitches off the end of my needle while getting ready to start a new row. I screamed, got Mike to find something to hold the stitches I could grab, and gently put it in my bag to take it to the shop on Thursday to get help repairing the problem. I had lots of knitting time left though, so I worked on my Clapotis.

– Thursday – headed to the yarn shop shortly after they opened to get help with the knitting emergency. One of the wise women that works there was able to help me recover my missing stitches, and I was off and knitting again. Disaster averted. Whew! Too stressed to knit lace though, I cast on a mobeus scarf, only to discover later that I used needles that were too large for the yarn. Oops. Oh well, at least it helped me relax. Meanwhile, I went over to see my friend Katy who was heading to the Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival the next day. I gave her money to bring me back yarn – I can’t wait to see what she picked out!

– Friday – Mom’s group meeting in the morning, followed by lunch with one of the other Moms, Tanya. The main group was going to do sack lunch at a park so the kids could play, but Tanya and I have kids in junior high – we didn’t want to eat at the park, so we went to Willie’s instead. Mmmmm… The other moms were planning a birthday party with, they throw the best kids birthday parties in Riverside.

– Saturday – I had a class at the yarn shop on how to do reversible cables. I used some of my Koigu for the class, and while the yarn is a dream to knit with, it wasn’t a good choice for the pattern – you couldn’t see the cables at all! I tend to use “practice” yarn for classes anyways, so I wasn’t too upset to rip it out and start over. I stayed to knit after class, and worked on the lace wrap also. Tons of compliments on it – it is looking wonderful! I lucked out and got a few great finds off of the 50% off clearance shelf, and as I was leaving they did the Mother’s Day drawing – and I was one of the winners! Whoo hoo! I won a “Red Hot Momma” scarf set. It is now waiting in my pile of things to be knitted. After I left the yarn shop, I headed over to the nearby Super Target. I had called Christina to share my yarn joy (free yarn! Does it get any better than that?) and I was surprised to learn that she does not have Super Targets in California. I thought the Super Target was everywhere. Well, it should be. It is fabulous. I found the chocolate brown capri pants I have been hunting for for over a year and picked up a nice red sweater set to match, plus some cute Fakenstocks (fake Birkenstocks) with beads. I love beads. Came home just in time for Mike to pull the Beer Butt Chicken out of the oven, and it was de-li-cious!

– Sunday – Mother’s Day! I got to sleep in, and then Mike made us pancakes for breakfast. Mmmm… After breakfast, we got ready and went to my parent’s house for a lunch of fabulous steaks. Man, I love a good steak, and those were wonderful! We visited for awhile, and then headed for home since Mike had more studying to do. He has a test coming up – one of those tests that earns the geeks the random letters after their name on their business cards. I have a feeling that studying will be a primary focus for him the next few weeks.

Tonight, tomorrow night and Thursday night, Mike has activities after work for training sessions that are going on. Team building and all that. Considering my quiet mood, I don’t mind, I guess. It does mean I will miss meeting up with the knitting circle tomorrow night, but I’ll put the driving time I would have spent to good use and work more on my lace. I want to have it done by Sunday so I can block it and then send it off to the bride!

When I list out all that I’ve been up to lately, it really doesn’t look so bad. I just wish I knew why I was in such a pity-party mood. Hopefully, it will pass soon…

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

5 replies on “Where Did The Time Go?”

Wow, what a bunch of knitty goodness. I can’t wait to see your lacy wrap, well, and all the other projects you’re working on!! 🙂

Feel better soon, I can totally relate to being in a funk. HUGS! Just keep knitting!

Well, lucky for us, I don’t get bugged by the funks. (I’m happy when you kick the funks, but I’m not really ticked off by the funks.) And I swear that I’ve been to a Super Target in California when we were there for Joseph’s graduation from Cal Tech; we met up with family there. (Classy, I know.)

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