
Guess What Week it Is?

Care to guess what week it is? Finals week! I only have one exam, but it is in Trig, and while I was doing so well at the beginning of the semester, I started to slide somewhere around the time that my tutor (aka Mike) went to The Holland. So now I am playing catch up as I get ready for the test on Thursday.

I haven’t been just studying lately though! Here is a quick rundown of the past few days:

– Dinner meeting with Jeff to discuss potential work opportunities for the new year. Wheee!

– Finally made it to the Central Houston Stitch & Bitch! I didn’t stitch much though, as it was a long day with papers due that afternoon for psych and so forth, plus the late night podcasting the night before. It was fabulous to get to see everyone though, which was the main reason why I went. I *heart* the SnB gals!

– Went to Twisted Yarns for the gumball sale and got my entire purchase for 25% off!

– A visit to the hair salon meant a fresh cut and color for me, just in time for the holidays! As much as I hate spending the money for it to be colored at the salon, it was so worth it.

– Kohl’s had a “late night” sale from 9pm to midnight, so we took Jason shopping for jeans and I managed to get some new clothes for myself too. I’m just so tired of looking in my closet and feeling “meh” about everything in there. Especially when it comes to winter clothes – with a short winter season here, I tend to hold on to pieces for a long time because they don’t get worn out. It is time to refresh the wardrobe!

– Mike & I had looked at the new Knitty before I went to the gumball sale on Friday, and I realized that he needs to knit again. He really likes the binary scarf (I suggested Encore instead of Red Heart – that way he can wash it and it won’t be quite so scratchy) and the slingshot coffee holder (Dale of Norway Baby Ull, no intarsia, just dark gray and machine washable), so I offered to go pick up yarn for both. Back to Twisted Yarns I went, picking up some Noro Silk Garden Light also for the Argosy scarf too. I managed to get the 50% OFF GUMBALL! I was beyond thrilled!

– Afterwards, I went to the Kohl’s over near the shop as I had found a lightweight jacket at my Kohl’s that I liked, but they didn’t have the right size. The store in Spring had one though, so I picked up that and another top, plus some jeans for my Mom.

– Then I made a “quick” trip to Ross that turned into a long trip to Ross. I found a convertible coat for Jason that is a winter coat with a lighter coat inside of it. Perfect for taking to Kentucky or wearing in Houston, as it has many options. I also finally managed to find some sweaters for myself that are not black! Plus Christmas presents for Mike, Jason, and my Dad, plus gifts to take in for the toy drive at school. I managed to find a lot of good things at great prices, which was perfect!

– I drove home, crashed for a bit, and then it was back out again for dinner with Mike & Jason at Lupe Tortillas (YUM!) and a quick Target run. I bought gift wrap because I am actually going to wrap gifts NOW instead of waiting for the night before Christmas. Shocking!

– I had not driven over to Old Town Spring enough recently, so I went over there again to meet up with Kathy as she headed out of town and went back to Dallas. We met up at Wunsche Bros. and it was great to have a chance to catch up some in person. Plus the burger was delicious!

– I got to meet Hanna’s daughter, Emma! Oh goodness, she is SO sweet, and beautiful, and tiny! Jason was 8lb, 10oz when he was born, so any baby under 8lbs always looks so small to me. Poor Hanna, I convinced her to try nudie baby photos under the Christmas tree, and once we stripped Emma down she was fussy about being naked. Hanna was holding her to comfort her, and Emma peed all over her shirt. Oops! Oh well, I’m sure it isn’t the worst that Hanna will have to deal with over the next 18 years or so. Really, how can you resist the baby bum photos though? The will get some tweaking in Photoshop, and then I will send them her way.

– In addition to the joys of Trig, we discovered a leak under one of the sinks in our bathroom. Not only did it get everything in the cabinet wet though, it also spread water under the cabinet across the bathroom floor and out onto our bedroom carpet. What a mess. My Mom has a carpet cleaner called the Central Home Services carpet dry cleaning so I sent Mike over to pick up, and it worked well to get a lot of the water up. Crisis solved.

Whew! No wonder I feel tired! It has been a busy, busy weekend. Now it is time to hit the books again!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

5 replies on “Guess What Week it Is?”

Geez, I’m tired just reading about all the stuff you did! So, did you FIX the leak under the sink? Or just stick a pot under it? Inquiring minds…Hey, good luck in Trig – Tom finished his last exam this morning. Yay.

Hi there sweetie!!!!! So much so much on your plate. So much different here this past year or so. Come visit me, I’m just starting up again after a year or so hiatus.

I got an awesome DH now too! 🙂


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