Isn’t it always a happy surprise when you find a website for someone local? I don’t know about you, but I love it when I find people in Texas, like Sherry, Nicole, Melissa (who is in Houston right now but moving to Austin soon), and Pamela (plus everyone else I forgot to list here that I have “met”), and it is especially cool when they are from Houston, like Gwen. I am *still* laughing after reading Gwen’s Distorted Self-image. Wow, those daily affirmations at the end sound way too familiar. Hey, when you can’t find clothes that fit right and make you feel good, walk away from the dressing room and go find some bitchin’ shoes! Hey Gwen, maybe I’ll see you at Payless someday!
I found Gwen through Sometimes I… – another Texan! As much as I hate this state, I guess I should confess that there sure are a lot of cool people here.
One reply on “Gwentown in H-Town”
your new glasses are very cute btw! they look, oddly, a lot like mine…