Geek Love

H-Town Met Beantown!

What a wonderful day yesterday was! After a trip to park in Cambridge, take the T to Boston, eat, take the T back to Cambridge and find Redline, the event site, we had the chance to meet up with so many WONDERFUL people! (And really miss the people that couldn’t make it…)

In attendance were:
(In the same random order I wrote them down in)
:: Stacey
:: Shelley
:: Jennifer
:: Laura
:: Marshall (I need to fix that … I can’t read the last part of the address.)
:: Geoffrey, sporting a nice kilt!
:: Jennifer
:: Alisa
:: Jay Jason
:: Erika
:: Steve
:: Sage
:: Brian
:: Sooz, who was a huge help in coordinating things with Redline.
:: Robert, who wins the “long distance” prize, coming down from Maine to be there!
:: Lorissa
:: Mike
:: (The other) Christine
:: (The other) Mike (also known collectively as “The other Christine and Mike”)
:: Paul
:: Leo, who will soon have a blog
:: Michelle

I think that’s everyone. They all scowled over having to put on nametags, but at least I wasn’t stuck asking them 10 times each what their names are!

Thank you to EVERYONE for coming out. It was so great to put faces to names, to meet new people, to talk to everyone, and … well, everything! I wish we could have stayed out later, but we were so tired after the night before. Otherwise I would have stayed out all night!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

25 replies on “H-Town Met Beantown!”

I just wanted to thank you for the invite to your gathering. I’m not sure how I wound up being asked, but I was glad to have been thought of. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to go because i was at the Cape for the weekend. Thanks for the offer though and I hope you all had fun. I’m sure it would have been fun to meet you all.

Great party, Christine! Thanks for coming to town and twisting our arms into getting together. 😉 It was great to meet you — and Jason, too! Have a great rest o’ your trip … and y’all come back now, y’hear?

It was fun to meet you at long last. I felt a little bad that I didn’t know the blogs of most of the people there, but I guess I can start a whole new blogroll of people to get to know for the next Boston Meetup.

what a great time! what great people!

My only regret was not bringing my wheelbarrow for the G-man. 65 lbs, my ass! That kid has been breaking into the Ben & Jerry’s.

Thank you Christine, Mike & Jason for visting our fair city and giving us the opportunity to get together and meet each other.

Hey Christine, thanks for getting an interesting bunch of people together at your party. I hope you have a fun time in Boston. See you in Austin next spring, hopefully!

enriched flour (wheat flour. malted flour, niacin, iron, thiamine mononitrate, riboflavin, folic acid), white sugar, shortening (partially hydrgenated soybean and cottonseed oil), eggs, unsalted butter, baking powder, (sodium acid pyrophosphate, sodium…

Big night out
Thanks to everyone who made Friday night’s Boston/Houston (and Portland) blogger gathering at Redline such a blast. (Listed here and here and here, too, with photos here, so I won’t humiliate myself by trying not to miss anyone.) Had some great convers…

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