
I’m Here! I’m Here!

The cable man just left – and of course, before I even plugged in the Tivo, I had to check and see if the cable modem was working ok! Whoo hoo! I’m back online! I survived the 36 hours offline without getting the shakes or anything. Amazing!

The move went well, the apartment still needs to be cleaned up and a few things are left to move out. I’ve unpacked a bunch of kitchen boxes this morning while waiting for the cable guy. So far the only thing I have lost is the cables for the computer – and along with those the cord to plug in the router. Oops! They will show up soon though, I am sure of that. For now I am just tethered to the wall in the study. I’m online – so I don’t care!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

11 replies on “I’m Here! I’m Here!”

When I moved, I had placed every computer cable in large zip-loc freezer bags. There were 3 of them; which I placed in a box.

I did however lose the perfect froth attachment to my espresso machine.

you lost your computer cables!? but those are the most important things! forget dishes and clothes and appliances. the first thing i unpacked in my new place was my computer, and i didn’t get cable until 2 days later! 🙂

I’m glad you are unpacking and getting things put in the right place. I always hated moving the kitchen stuff. You have to wash everything again and then put it all away. Bah.

Here’s hoping that the cables show up and everything is right by the weekend for you! 🙂

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I’m Here! I’m Here!

We landed in Boston around midnight last night, picked up the rental car and headed on over to Jennifer’s house – with a few calls for directions along the way. Damn Big Dig – the exit for the Mass Pike was closed and we had to make a little detour through downtown Boston by the aquarium.

My day yesterday started quite early. I woke up at 3:30am Thursday morning, after falling asleep on the couch. I never went back to bed. I considered going to work at 6am just to really confuse people, but I had to meet with a witness at 9 at a location near my apartment.

Work was slam busy all day, which I think is intentional so that you appreciate your vacation even more. I finished most of the items on my task list, I delegated the few I didn’t, I entered my time and zoomed out the door.

On my way home to pick up Jason so we could go to the airport, there was an accident literally right in front of me. Someone was making a u-turn around a median, and u-turned right in to little SUV in front of me. I had to stop, of course (I couldn’t get around her because of traffic.) I honked and waved her over – I told her that normally I would stay, but since everyone was ok – I had a flight to catch! I gave her my business card and my cell phone number – she laughed because I work for a law firm and she works for an insurance company!

Picked up Jason, Mike loaded up the car, and we headed off to the airport. The flight was pretty uneventful, we watched Antwone Fischer, and like any movie with a slightly sappy scene even, it made me cry. I hate it when that happens. I tried to work on the deposition summaries that I need to do, but my laptop is too big to fit on my lap with the seat in front of me reclined. *sigh* I guess I should have volunteered for the emergency exit row – I would have had more room!

At the rental agency, there was a couple actually arguing at the counter. What could be so important about a rental car that you would be arguing over it? At 1am? If it has 4 wheels and an engine, I’ll take it! I guess they didn’t have the vehicle the couple wanted, and the woman was in a huff and the agent even called Budget for them to see if they had the car! Amazing, some people are really amazing.

So we’re in the Ted Williams Tunnel, heading off to the Mass Pike. Only the exit was closed. Augh! So we were heading on 93 North, with no clue where we were going. And I couldn’t call Jenn because we were in a tunnel. I spotted the “Government Center” exit, and I knew where that was – so I had Mike exit, and sure enough – there was the sign for the Aquarium, Fanneuil Hall, and everything else so familiar! Called Jenn, got on 93 South, and merged on to the Mass Pike. I wonder how long it will take before Mike snaps. I kept saying “I know that! I remember that! I’ve seen that!” as we went down the road. I’m sure it will drive him mad in just a day or so.

Jenn’s house is *gorgeous*! It’s up on a hill with a huge yard, and it’s huge on the inside too. Love it. She waited up for us, and it was great to see her – even in my sleepy haze! (I had been up, non-stop, for 22 hours by then!) Everyone headed off to bed and I was asleep instantly.

Which brings us up to now. It’s raining outside, nice and cool (it was 62 when we landed last night) so we are just chilling here for a bit. Jenn made pancakes while I typed this and Mike checked in at work. Now I’m off to eat breakfast! More updates as time allows…

I’m in Boston! I’m in Boston! YEAH!!!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

13 replies on “I’m Here! I’m Here!”

Woohooo! Have fun in Boston. 🙂 Glad you made it ok in spite of the exits you needed being closed. Grrr, traffic sucks. I shook my head as I read about the couple arguing over their rental car in the middle of the night. I just don’t get it.

hey Christine – just don’t forget about me. i still can’t get any e-mail since the server move (but both my sites are up and running now). it’s been nearly three days now. hope you will have time to check in with Hosting Matters.

in the meantime, have fun!

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