I have had problems with my right shoulder for at least 15 years, and one of the issues I have is numb fingers. It’s not carpal tunnel – they figured out years ago (thanks to fun rounds of testing – oh, so fun) that it originates with a nerve all the way up in my shoulder.
Trying to crochet a few months ago was almost impossible. Almost every time I worked on something, I would have a numb arm the next day. Working on a computer with a numb hand? Not fun.
Knitting is better, especially when I knit Continental. Unfortunately, I don’t purl well that way, so I’m still throwing with my right hand. I’m very cautious though, and stop if I notice any pain.
I’m going to start doing hand exercises now – I’m sure they will help. The 5-5-5 Workout, along with working on knitting loosely and maybe even some knitting and yoga.
Anyone else have any tips?
4 replies on “Hand Workout”
You can do what I did today: start chiropractic therapy (again).
You know, I’m surprised no one has left any snarky quips of better ways to get a hand workout…
I’d been having terrible carpal tunnel once a week the day after I would put up a new ad at work until I started getting regular massages (every other week). I haven’t had carpal tunnel now in a couple of weeks. it’s great!
Yoga would help, it’s a good stretching routine for carpal tunnel.