I slipped out of Dave Weinberger’s presentation because the WiFi signal isn’t strong enough in the panel room, so I’m hiding out in the hallway, checking e-mail and the Helpdesk before I go back in there. Much to my surprise, I discovered that I have been implicated in a Blog Terrorist Plot! ME! Me! Can you believe it? Ironic, since my spot in the Blogrolling ranks has slipped in the past few weeks too. I am declaring my innocence. I am not a part in a terrorist plot. Don’t believe what the posters say!
On a side note, I don’t think I should post from the Omni late at night when I’m tired and have had a margarita. Just one, but I ate a light dinner and I rarely drink so one was enough. Then again, I bet it might make for amusing content the day after…
Off to learn about why the web matters and figure out how the small pieces are loosely joined!
6 replies on “Hiding Out…”
I’m not sure, but I think they implied that we are the same person. Or Wonder Twins.
Hehe, I so wish I could have gone to that … maybe I will next year. 😀
I don’t know about that, pretty strong evidence! 🙂
SXSW sounds awesome, wish I could have gone.
I hate to say it, but I think the Spork Posse was just a clever ruse to blind me to your evil plan. I’ve got my eye on you now, cookie lady.
(And, thanks, I’ll fix the H-town link.)
Spork Powah!
In spite of my recent suspicions about the patriotism of its leader, I have to let you know that the…
Are you really sure about that? I don’t think so…