I’m taking notes and I will be posting about the panels, the events, the conversations and so forth – but right now I’m in panels that I just don’t want to miss while writing a post. Some really thought provoking things have been thought and shared over the past few days. Matter of fact, I am currently in “Surviving your Collaborative Project” with Heather Champ of the Mirror Project and one of the co-creators of k10k. Very helpful for PictureYourself.
The Bloggies were a lot of fun – Nikolai did a great job putting on the show. I didn’t win one, but was able to accept for ScriptyGoddess, Nerdboy Mikey and GeekGrrl. I was also honored to present several awards including one with Rannie and I was able to crown Ernie queen when he won the Best Gay/Lesbian Weblog award.
I also didn’t win the SXSW Web Award that Pixelog was a finalist for – but it truly was an honor to make the finals (I seriously never thought it would happen) and I am really happy for Griff that Ultramicroscopic won!
I should also add that if you ever have a chance to attend Fray – do it. It was absolutely fantastic to be able to attend Fray Cafe last night. I have already been thinking of a story to share on the site in the future.
Having fun! Wish you were here…
5 replies on “Sharing Brainstorms…”
Jealous, jealous, jealous of you. Of course, if I was there, you wouldn’t be able to hear anything but my hoarse, hacking cough.
The bloggies sounded like lots of fun, glad you enojoyed it. 🙂
hey christine! i have been a fan of your site for a lo-o-o-ong time. seems we have many friends/links in common. just wanted to tell you that i love bigpinkcookie and am so glad that i found this and, of course, picture yourself. glad you are having fun!
Fray sounds like it was really cool. I missed it. I didn’t follow the advice in the SXSW booklet, they said it was a marathon and not a sprint and I got totally winded. I missed everything Sunday night.
It was great to meet you and I am sure I will see you around.
sxsw css
If *I* was at SXSW this morning, I would have LOVED to go to this session: Between the (Style) Sheets: