
Sharing Brainstorms…

I’m taking notes and I will be posting about the panels, the events, the conversations and so forth – but right now I’m in panels that I just don’t want to miss while writing a post. Some really thought provoking things have been thought and shared over the past few days. Matter of fact, I am currently in “Surviving your Collaborative Project” with Heather Champ of the Mirror Project and one of the co-creators of k10k. Very helpful for PictureYourself.

The Bloggies were a lot of fun – Nikolai did a great job putting on the show. I didn’t win one, but was able to accept for ScriptyGoddess, Nerdboy Mikey and GeekGrrl. I was also honored to present several awards including one with Rannie and I was able to crown Ernie queen when he won the Best Gay/Lesbian Weblog award.

I also didn’t win the SXSW Web Award that Pixelog was a finalist for – but it truly was an honor to make the finals (I seriously never thought it would happen) and I am really happy for Griff that Ultramicroscopic won!

I should also add that if you ever have a chance to attend Fray – do it. It was absolutely fantastic to be able to attend Fray Cafe last night. I have already been thinking of a story to share on the site in the future.

Having fun! Wish you were here…

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

5 replies on “Sharing Brainstorms…”

hey christine! i have been a fan of your site for a lo-o-o-ong time. seems we have many friends/links in common. just wanted to tell you that i love bigpinkcookie and am so glad that i found this and, of course, picture yourself. glad you are having fun!

Fray sounds like it was really cool. I missed it. I didn’t follow the advice in the SXSW booklet, they said it was a marathon and not a sprint and I got totally winded. I missed everything Sunday night.

It was great to meet you and I am sure I will see you around.

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