Spent all of yesterday traveling – left Sykeston to go to Bismarck at 8 am; flew out of Bismarck to go to Minneapolis at 11:15 am, arrived at Minneapolis at 12:15 pm to leave again at 1:20 pm; landed in Houston at 4:05 pm. Then you have to get the luggage, go get the car from the long term lot, drive to the Honda dealership to pick up my car (Yeah! My car is all pretty again!) and eat dinner. Whew. I was exhausted by the time I got home last night. I will work on finishing my “vacation journal” over the next week or so – have pictures to crop and edit and so forth. If you want to take a sneak peek of the Vacation Pictures you can – but there are blurry ones in there, the files are huge, and no captions on anything. I uploaded them last night just to back them off of the poor sad laptop which I am afraid is on it’s last leg. When the journal is done the pictures will make sense. I think I will set up an “album” too so people can view just the pictures, but that will be later, after the journal is done.
All in all, I had a *wonderful* time and I am sooooo glad I went. I am very, very grateful to Naomi for letting me use her digital camera – I was able to take a lot of shots that I might not have otherwise taken. It really helped me keep costs down – I didn’t go through a ton of film like I normally do and now I don’t have to spend $100 to get all that film developed. THANK YOU NAOMI!!! And thanks too to Kymberlie for taking care of the cats, fish and plants. It was nice to be able to come home yesterday with the peace of mind that all was well there.