Mike’s parents were in town for the weekend, so there has been no computer time recently. Instead, we went to the October Yale Street Market, the Ren Fest (with a disappointing lack of musicians), and had many pleasant dinner time conversations. All in all, a nice visit.
I had an Organic Chem test Monday morning, and I’m just not sure how I did. I’m taking the advice of one of my classmates and changing up how I study for the class to see if that helps some, and I’m going to try to go in for some of the tutoring sessions with the instructor I was supposed to have this semester. I don’t deal well with the scattered lectures of my prof, so anything should help.
On the other hand, I made a 95 on my most recent Trig test, and the teacher said the grades actually went down on this test. I have the chance to get 10 points extra credit tomorrow when I turn in the test corrections, so that puts me in a rather sweet spot.
For 20 years, I thought I sucked at math. Now I have a rather high A in Trig. Ironic, if you ask me. I’m actually good at this stuff – who knew? (I obviously didn’t.)
I’m off to find out how that Organic test went. Maybe he will let us do corrections for extra credit too. Afterwards, Mike will be in the office and I will have the house to myself – so you know what that means? PODCAST! The notes are ready. The music is ready. The show will be live *today!* PODCAST!
6 replies on “I Am Smarter Than I Thought…”
You’re just a different student now! You’re all growed up! I often wonder what kind of student I’d be nowadays. I’m 100 times more confident, which I know is half the battle.
I was at the Yale Street Market this weekend, too. Spent a lot of money on metal-art pieces for the backyard fence. Really nice stuff.
Congrats on your test score – that’s just the way it’s going to be this year, I guess. 🙂
Way to ace a trig test! I wish I had some comprehension of math, but then, I haven’t really needed it up to now, unless you figure in balancing checkbooks.
You’re a math genius! I agree with Staci, you become a different student when you’ve been out in the “real world” for a while. I did much better in Law School than I did in undergrad because I was more mature and actually cracked a book.
You’re older now, and Maths sometimes are way more logical than we are ready to accept. I know because I teach maths :S
Nice work on the trig test.
and PODCAST! yippee!
I LOVE your pic! Okay, I’m going to try to listen to the podcast before my mum gets in town tomorrow! You WOULD wait ’till the last minute to get the show up!