I just deleted a few hundred bounce messages from my e-mail, thanks to a spammer who is spoofing me and using my domain for their reply to address in the spam they are sending out.
If you get spam, I didn’t send it. I promise. I’m not into spam. I’m cringing with each new subject line I read, and it’s been going on since Friday. Ugh. I’m about to test out Spam Arrest to try and cut back on the spam I receive – has anyone tried it? I just need to make sure I can still get my e-mail lists if I use them.
Evil spammers. There had better be a special place in hell for them…
6 replies on “I Didn’t Do It…”
Spam Arrest is great and you will definitely still be able to get your mailing lists.
In fact, the guide I wrote at my web site might be of use to you:
a guide to Spam Arrest for Knowspam.net refugees
I hate spam too. I’ll just go ahead and delete this email from you guaranteeing me an extra 2 inches on my penis if use your product. 😉
I’m soooo sorry to hear that someone jacked your cool address… Spammers are the Devil, so yes… You could say there IS a special place in Hell for them. 🙂
It comes, again and again, unfortunately. Just had another bout of spam bounced back to my domain, too. Maddening! I wish there was a way to verify email out addresses so this wouldn’t happen!
I’ve been using mailwasher for a few years. I love it.
Isn’t Spam Arrest one of those services that if someone mails you, then they get an email from Spam Arrest that you have to click an url to prove you’re a human sender?
“Challenge/Response Keeps Spam Out”
I don’t think people like those much; I know I don’t. I see they allow pre-configuring of good addresses, but to anyone not in your whitelist, they’ll have to jump through Spam Arrest’s hoops to email you.
I used the free version of MailWasher a while back, and it was great. If you’re thinking about paying for a program, I’d choose MailWasher over Spam Arrest.