
Knitting Rockstar…

It’s really a strange feeling to get a phone call from your mother at 8am, waking you up, asking you why you didn’t tell her you were in the paper. For the rest of the day yesterday, my Dad asked me if the papaprazzi was keeping me on the run. Kymberlie called to let me know about the newpaper sighting also – but I haven’t actually seen the photograph myself. It’s not online with the article about the Northwest Knit at Night Guild chapter.

Back in March, I went to my first knitting guild meeting. A freelance photographer that does work with the Chronicle was there, and he wanted to take a photograph of the knitters that had been knitting the longest and the shortest amount of time. One lady had been knitting for 45 years; I had been knitting for 2 months. So he took photographs of us with my Claptotis, and I believe the captions are that she is showing me how to do something on it – but in reality, she was telling me that I knit very well for having only done it for 2 months. That was a fabulous thing to hear!

Now that I’ve had my fix of the glowing box for the day, I’m going back to my knitting marathon for the weekend – I have about 3 weeks to finish my shawl, so it is knit, knit, knit this weekend! Fortunately, I’m at a point with the pattern that I think I can watch “Sideways” tonight while working on it!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

4 replies on “Knitting Rockstar…”

This isn’t like a Stitch & Bitch group (which I go to also), but a full on knitting guild, with formal meetings, classes, etc. As an added perk, being a member of the Knit at Night Guild gets me a discount at my LYS! 😀 (Yeah! Discounts!)

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