Kymberlie posted for 24 hours yesterday for Project Blog in order to raise money for Heifer International. She called us mid-afternoon to ask us for inspiration on what to post. Unfortunately – we were short on inspiration at the time. She finally found her niche though and offered up a ton of mp3s and delightful little stories to go with them. (It’s not too late to sponsor her, by the way. Just visit her site.)
At one point, she wrote about the Peta “Bad Cats” – which always causes me to laugh like a crazed fool. (Please spay or neuter your cats. Overpopulation is a problem that can be fixed.)
It also brought back memories of when AdCritic was still free and we would watch the Bill Clinton video over and over again. I couldn’t help but make my request, and in no time at all she found it for me. Clinton made the “Lame Duck” short for the 2000 White House Correspondents Dinner. I laughed so hard I cried when I watched it again. Ah, the good ol’ days…
“Hello, White House … hold please… Hello, White House, please hold…”
One reply on “I Feel the Love…”
Wow. I don’t even want to do anything fun, like orgasm or shop, for 24 hours, let alone blog.
Seriously impressive.