I love this time of year. Love, love, love it. It is a nice cool 70 degrees outside right now according to weather.com, 62 according to the thermometer in my backyard, and when it was in the 50s this morning it was actually a bit nippy in my bedroom. I love how it makes my pillow feel all crisp and cool. I love to be able to wear sweaters outside. I love to knit wool, and dream of the cool days ahead.
70 degrees is amazingly wonderful after months of temperatures in the 90s. It feels like we went from 93 to 70 with nothing inbetween.
The leaves are starting to fall off of my tree in the backyard. I love the red and gold colors that they leave behind in the still green grass. (That photo is even better if you view it large.)
I love fall.
One reply on “I *Heart* Fall…”
That photo is stunning!