
I Know You are Jealous…

I just realized that I forgot to mention the other day that on Saturday night, Mike, Jason and I headed over to the local Starbucks so Mike could take advantage of his gift card that he had received. Of course, since I knew we would be sitting there for awhile, I grabbed my knitting.

Mike grabbed his too.

And the two of us knit in public, together.

It is ok, I know the knitters out there are jealous. I truly have the best husband ever. I am the luckiest woman in the world.

(Jason hasn’t been converted to being a knitter yet, so he worked on his sodoku puzzles instead.)

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

14 replies on “I Know You are Jealous…”

And here I am thinking I’m the luckiest woman on earth! 🙂 My husband is the one who taught me to knit and spin. Isn’t it great having a fiber addicted spouse? Our daughter also knits and spins.

Amy, I am lucky! Sooooo lucky! 😀 (Of course, your husband has supported you in opening a yarn store, so you’re quite lucky too!)

Karen, I really hope so. He needs hobbies besides video games!

Karen, he has already raided my stash! But I promptly went and bought more yarn (sock yarn from Yarntopia!) so it was ok!

Chris, I must say … I am!

Donna, we can both be the luckiest women on earth! Now we just have to get Mike to learn how to spin.

Sheryl, he is knitting the messenger bag from Knitty. I bought the heather green Cascade 220 at Yarntopia for his trim. We get to learn the i-cord bind-off together!

Elemmaciltur, yes, we KIP. And it was fabulous!

Pixeldiva, it wouldn’t have been possible without you!

Daysies, of course there are photos! I just get a strange error message about being too large to e-mail when I try to get them off my phone. I’ll have to see if we can find another way to get them online.

Tiffany, I hope he changes his mind again and comes back to it! Sharing the knitting love is so much fun!

gamma-normids, it is ok. I can understand wanting a knitting husband! They are all the rage!

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