
I Like It With Seasoning…

When I visit Emily’s house and she makes popcorn, we always use her Kernel Seasons Gourmet Popcorn Seasonings. Mmmmm… Mike was going to run to the store to pick up something else he needed, and I asked him to pick some of the seasoning up too. I like the Ranch or the White Cheddar flavors, but I suggested that he might like the Parmesan & Garlic.

Being a total smartass, I then add, “Ooooh… I know… how about the Chocolate Marshmallow flavor?”

His response? “Mmmm… that sounds *really* good.”

Seriously? I mean, really? I just stared at him, stunned. Chocolate Marshmallow on your popcorn? I think I’m going to be sick just thinking about it…

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

12 replies on “I Like It With Seasoning…”

lol. I’d probably like that during a PMS fit. I love eating something sweet along with popcorn. it’s the whole sweet and salt thing together. I discovered one night while I was eating saltines with peanut butter and Boy was eating popcorn, that popcorn with peanut butter on it is pretty damn good. 😉

hee hee, when I make a bag of microwave popcorn, sometimes I take a handful of chocolate chips and throw it in the bowl. By a few minutes later, they are all melty on my popcorn and yummmmm! 🙂

When I eat something salty, I must have something sweet to go with it. I’d not go with the marshmellow, but chocolate might be good.

Mind you, not all toppings work well. O. Redenbacker’s “Kettle Corn” is just terrible in my book.

When I was in Portugal, I went to a theatre and got some popcorn, it was sweet! I was shocked but people there were shocked we ate it with butter and salt. That said, I now love kettle corn too. 🙂 Are those really worth the money? I’m thinking about ordering their stuff because of you. 🙂

I’m all about the salty sweet. Love the cinnabon popcorn. Kettle corn rocks – just a little bit of sweet. Same for chocolate-covered pretzels. I may have to try the peanut butter thing… hm…

My New Addiction
I have a new addiction and it’s popcorn with sour cream & onion seasoning. Wow, this is good stuff. When Christine was talking about popcorn and she linked to these seasonings, I was curious and bought a combo with…

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