
I was a Secret Santa…

As I mentioned before, I participated in two secret santa projects this year – one of them was the ThinkBlank Secret Santa project, and I have to say I think I was one of the luckier participants in a way – I was assigned someone whose blog I have actually read – Dori of Backup Brain. I found her site through Meryl’s, and of course if Meryl liked her I knew I would too. I also participated in Mar’s Secret Santa project, where I was assigned Jennifer, and with the help of Robyn & Todd I was able to pull off cool surprise since her gift won’t ship until January 4th. Jessy sent me a wonderful Enya CD, and I think my other Secret Santa gift is on it’s way … it’s not here yet but that’s ok! I’m thankful for who I was assigned – knowing them made it so much more fun to “shop” their wishlist for them! Heck, I’m thankful for all of my friends online.

So, if you participated in a Secret Santa project, what did you think of it? Would you do it again?

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

4 replies on “I was a Secret Santa…”

Definitely! But still probably only the smaller ones where I know most of the people. I was psyched you were my secret santa! 🙂 And what elaborate lengths you went to hide it… too funny!!!

I’ve mixed feelings. I went to a lot of trouble finding a gift for my SS, and he didn’t even bother emailing me to let me know the darn gift got there. I know the spirit isn’t to give so you can be thanked, but it really makes me sad when people (and forty year-old men!!!) forget their manners. The person assigned to me never sent anything. No biggie, though. I think I’d participate again, but only with a group of people I at least sort of know… not a random gift-swap with people I’ve not even heard from. 🙂

I am sorry to see that Thinkblank’s Secret Santa is no more. I participated in 2004 and 2005 and thought it was a great project. It will be sadly missed. The reason I participated in their Secret Santa was that they had a wicked sense of humor, and all you had to do was look over the person’s wishlist. Perhaps I’ll randomly find someone on this year and just gift them anyhow!

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