As I mentioned before, I participated in two secret santa projects this year – one of them was the ThinkBlank Secret Santa project, and I have to say I think I was one of the luckier participants in a way – I was assigned someone whose blog I have actually read – Dori of Backup Brain. I found her site through Meryl’s, and of course if Meryl liked her I knew I would too. I also participated in Mar’s Secret Santa project, where I was assigned Jennifer, and with the help of Robyn & Todd I was able to pull off cool surprise since her gift won’t ship until January 4th. Jessy sent me a wonderful Enya CD, and I think my other Secret Santa gift is on it’s way … it’s not here yet but that’s ok! I’m thankful for who I was assigned – knowing them made it so much more fun to “shop” their wishlist for them! Heck, I’m thankful for all of my friends online.
So, if you participated in a Secret Santa project, what did you think of it? Would you do it again?
4 replies on “I was a Secret Santa…”
Definitely! But still probably only the smaller ones where I know most of the people. I was psyched you were my secret santa! 🙂 And what elaborate lengths you went to hide it… too funny!!!
I’ve mixed feelings. I went to a lot of trouble finding a gift for my SS, and he didn’t even bother emailing me to let me know the darn gift got there. I know the spirit isn’t to give so you can be thanked, but it really makes me sad when people (and forty year-old men!!!) forget their manners. The person assigned to me never sent anything. No biggie, though. I think I’d participate again, but only with a group of people I at least sort of know… not a random gift-swap with people I’ve not even heard from. 🙂
Thinkblank’s Secret Santa project is gone 🙁 doesn’t even exist anymore.
I am sorry to see that Thinkblank’s Secret Santa is no more. I participated in 2004 and 2005 and thought it was a great project. It will be sadly missed. The reason I participated in their Secret Santa was that they had a wicked sense of humor, and all you had to do was look over the person’s wishlist. Perhaps I’ll randomly find someone on this year and just gift them anyhow!