Some of the most interesting things pop up on Craigslist but I think that this one takes the cake. Anyone guys out there in the San Francisco area that want to give her a call? And I’d like to know if she won the bet. So let me know. [via Jay, who is still refusing to contact her. Wimp.]
6 replies on “I Wonder if She Won?”
Speaking of “loose”… heh. Funny girl. ‘Nuff said. Don’t suppose I can convince Chris to go over there… 😉
Time to Picture Myself!
haha, well, that sounds about right for craigslist.
any other bay area bloggers out there? I’m trying to set up a new site for us 🙂
Oh, there are a TON of Bay Area bloggers. The list is pretty long!
It’s not that I’m refusing to call her. It’s that I refuse to be used as simply a tool in someone else’s game of–errr–what in the hell was I thinking?!
Yeah, Courtney, there are about 10 sites for Bay Area bloggers. Do a google search. Not that the world can’t use one more…
heh heh… I knew there was a webring or two, but I was surprised that the domain “” wasn’t taken. 🙂
Damn. Gretchen beat me to the “loose” punch. (No wonder since I’m reading this post a week after it was written. But still!)