BlahBlahBabble Knittastic!

Ice Storm! Ice Storm!

I truly love how the news the past few days has been all ice storm and nothing else. Yes, it is freezing – literally – down here in Houston, and you would think if you turned on the local station that that is the only news in the world. Mike went to the grocery store on Monday afternoon and he said it was a madhouse, as all the people stocked up for the BIG FREEZE.

Then it didn’t rain like they expected, and today was just bitter cold (with the windchill), but not frozen like they thought.

It was a good excuse to get out the crockpot and make chili and sloppy Joe’s. (Not for the same meal! The chili was yesterday, the sandwiches with some beer cheese soup were for today.) I actually kicked Mike out of the kitchen long enough to make two meals! Well, he made the soup, but I made the rest.

To help me keep warm with the big freeze, I’ve been a very busy knitter. Friday night, we went to EJ & Sherry’s house to watch Clerks 2 (the adults watched the movie, not the kids – they were upstairs playing video games and learning the Overwatch team composition) and I swatched for Elaine’s Tempting sweater. Saturday, I realized that if I knit really fast, I could have a sweater to wear in New England when we go there for a wedding in 3 weeks, so I started swatching with the Brooks Farm 4-Play for that. Once I finished that, I cast on for the Cambridge Jacket (the men’s sweater in the IK summer ’06 issue – the one with the Icarus shawl in it) and I’m over halfway done with the back. Sweet! If I keep up the pace, I should have it done with time to get the zipper in before we head north. I’ll post more details about it and the progress over on Pointy Sticks.

Thank you to everyone for delurking, and I will be back online more tomorrow. For now, I really want to try to finish the back of the sweater. Just one more row? (The cry of all knitters when we really want to get something done!)

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

5 replies on “Ice Storm! Ice Storm!”

Dallas was hit with tons of rain (hello, flash flooding) and freezing weather (hi, ice) this weekend, and today we’ve got a small bit o’ snow and sleet.

I don’t know about our meal plans yet, but there may need to be a run for more firewood. (And yes, milk. Not bread though.)

Keep on knittin’ — you’re going gang busters!

I traveled to Austin on Monday for work. I ended up sitting (and knitting) in my hotel room Tues and Wed while Austin was shut down and then the weather warmed up on Thursday just in time for me to go home. Thank goodness I brought enough knitting to last me the whole trip.

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