
I’m Feeling Sudsalicious…

I haven’t made a final decision yet, but I’m considering taking advantage of my Etsy shop to sell my Sudsalicious Bodyworks soaps again. I have all the supplies I need to make them, and plenty of time now that summer has arrived. Hmmm…

Anyone need some soap?

I’m also considering using it for my photographs, along with other crafty goods. What do you think? Good idea? Bad? I can’t help but wonder if anyone would buy anything. I guess I never know until I try!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

7 replies on “I’m Feeling Sudsalicious…”

Fabulous idea! I love Verbena scented soap and usually buy an expensive French milled soap (or get it for Mother’s Day). Cocoa butter is nice too, especially in the summer. Also a suggestion: make some photos small enough to be affordable to frame – i.e. 4×6 and 5×7. Maybe offering a range of options. What have you got to lose?

Well, technically all soap is sopanofied, otherwise … it isn’t soap. 😉 But I know what you mean. I was initially looking at the glycerin kind – I don’t know if the lye I have is still good, and it would take a few weeks for that to cure. I might get back into the saponified (cold process, from scratch) soap as the summer goes on.

Julia, great idea on the smaller prints. I will definitely look into that!

I have used your soaps; we used to work together and everyone I know absolutely loves them. Please let me know as soon as you have some. I need some of the strawberry kind.

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