My goal has finally been reached. Now if you do a Google Search for Christine, I am NUMBER ONE! w00t! It must have been the other Kristine’s tips that finally pushed me over the top. What were her tips? I’m not telling! Number 2 might steal my spot! I’m number 1! Yes, I am an absolute geek and this thrills me to no end.
14 replies on “I’m Number ONE!!!”
hehe, rock on spacegirl.
I can only hope to be as cool as your small toe someday. Congrats on your listing!
tee hee, I rock 😉
No wait, you rock 😉
Heh – search for ‘snowgoon’ I’m all of the Top Four!
OK, so as Gordon I don’t even get into the top 10 (pages… ahem…)
Well done you! How did you do it? Awww go on, tell us!
If I search for my first name on Google, i am #2 behind some singing group… hmmm… congrats on the #1 spot!
I don’t even show up in a search for my full name, let alone just my first. And I own the domain name! Hmm.
You beat out Christine Lavin – that’s a pretty big deal. Thanks to Disturbing Search Requests, I myself am the top result for “live bikinis”.
Wahoo!!! way to go Christine!!! 🙂
Now how to we go about keeping you on top?
alas, is listed #2 on Google, just after “Forever Brandy”. poor girl, if she only knew…i get her search requests all the time. funny coincidence is, she named her latest album “fullmoon.” seeing as how i keep a fullmoon graphics/kitty fanklub on my site, i get all her traffic. poor Brandy. alas, it’s not easy being such a prominent web presence…le sigh. hehe
As far as I can tell, no version of my real name gets me as a result (too common), but I am #1 with my web name. What do I win?
That’s so neat! I tried it and there you are. You’re number 1. 😉
I thought, hey I wonder if I type in “Linh” if my site will come up. I’m number 1 too! lol
Congrats, Christine! I’m still not the number one Jay, but with my last name, I have the top spot…
Sweet Google Success! 🙂
Darn it all to heck, I slipped to #3 in the search for “Hilary”. Hilary Hahn was and is first, but some Hilary Tann person snuck into second place. Blah.
Dang that Chris Pirillo! He has the top spot for “chris” Last time I tried I went to page 60 and still no luck. “chris blog” gives me #6 and “chris hileman” is #1 (surprised huh?)
Glad to hear your soo lucky Christine, if you will excuse me I have a gnome to go beat up for his “google position”, j/k